Eating Disorders in Israel


Eating disorders are common among teens and young adults.  Seminary students in Israel are not exempt from these dangerous conditions.  Awareness, recognizing the signs, and early intervention are essential to prevent these conditions from causing permanent damage to suffering students. Ten million people in the U.S. have an eating disorder.  It is the third most common and chronic illness in the U.S.  More women than men suffer from this illness, and while the numbers are climbing in the Jewish population, the exact number of Jewish people with eating disorders is unknown. Most people know about two eating disorders:  anorexia and bulimia. ...

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  4520 Hits

Telemedicine & Geriatrics in Israel


 Telemedicine is a great option for caring for geriatric populations in Israel. This is especially true during the Covid-19 pandemic. Over the years, we’ve had many clients who care for their older, dependent parents. Take our clients, the A family. Mrs. A has been caring for her elderly, frail father for many years.  With no other family in Israel, it is up to her to manage the medical appointments, the full-time aide, the basic care (food, hygiene), and any emergencies.  This responsibility is an honor for her to have, and she does it well… but it has prevented her from having...

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  4765 Hits

The Hassle of Making Medical Appointments


When you are unwell the last thing you want to deal with is the frustration of trying to get a timely doctor's appointment. However, whether it's an appointment with a family doctor for a sore throat or with a specialist for a chronic medical condition, you may find that the process does not run as smoothly as you would like. In Israel, appointments with kupat doctors are made via the kupah website, the kupah app or their 24-hour phone service (moked).One major advantage of using the app or the website is that you will see a listing of all doctors and available appointments in the location you choose...

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  1667 Hits

Family Challenges During Coronavirus Quarantine


Due to government regulations, schools, work, and stores have all been shut down. During our time at home, it is easy to get frustrated by family members and get into fights. Here are a few EMA Care tips for having your own space while also spending quality time with one another. Parents who are working from home should have their own areas of the house where they work. Children in school should also study in their own rooms or their own spaces around the house.There should be times of the day that the family spends quality time together. Families should make...

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  1551 Hits

Tips on Avoiding the Coronavirus


  With the spread of COVID-19 throughout the globe, people are looking for the best ways to protect themselves and their families. Between masks and avoiding air travel, there are any number of tips floating around the internet that may not actually be as useful as they seem. So, what are the best ways to keep your family healthy? And which online tips have merit, and which do not? Wash Your Hands This one sounds obvious, but when breaking it down it actually becomes a little more complicated than it seems. It turns out that most people do not adhere to...

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  2617 Hits

Masks and Social Distancing


Do the N-95 masks help?  Do masks work? This is a question that many people have asked us in the past few weeks. The COVID-19 (Coronavirus) was discovered in China in December of 2019. It is widespread in Asia, especially in China and Japan, to see people walking around wearing surgical masks to prevent the inhalation of pathogens and pollution. Surgical masks aren’t effective against COVID-19 (Coronavirus). The N-95 mask has been recommended for medical professionals providing direct care because they are thicker than a surgical mask. Still, neither Schaffner nor the CDC (Centres for Disease Prevention and Control) recommends public...

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  2325 Hits

Coronavirus vs. the Flu


Over the past few weeks, the media has exploded with news on the Covid-19/ Novel Coronavirus. There have been many reports of outbreaks in 73 countries worldwide (as of February 29, 2020). Many more people have been panicking about the possibility of getting infected. During the peak of seasonal flu season in the Northern hemisphere, this outbreak has occurred, making identifying Covid-19 vs. flu very challenging as they share the same symptoms. So far, the new coronavirus (Covid-19) has led to more than 79,000 cases and 2800 deaths in China and more than 7000 cases, and 150 deaths worldwide. The overall...

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  4450 Hits

Is wearing face masks effective against coronavirus?


As seen in many photos from China and Asia, many ordinary people have been wearing masks when outdoors to prevent catching the coronavirus. In the photo – some people are getting creative due to mask shortages in specific Asian countries. Is wearing face masks effective against coronavirus?  Most people do not know when masks are effective, when they are a waste, and how to manage if you need a mask to prevent illness. Basic rules of mask-wearing for Novel Coronavirus from the World Health Organization: People with suspected Novel Coronavirus should wear a medical-grade mask if possible and have as much...

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  2774 Hits

How Covid-19 Can Affect Me?


With all of the news surrounding the Novel Coronavirus the past few weeks, many people are scared to travel and possibly expose themselves to the new, dangerous virus. Israel has gone to many lengths to prevent the disease from spreading in Israel.  These actions aim to prevent the virus from spreading and allow people to feel safe in Israel. The Novel Coronavirus is a new kind of virus that started spreading in China. Coronaviruses are a large family of common viruses in many different species of animals, including camels, cattle, cats, and bats. Coronavirus is a type of virus responsible for...

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  2273 Hits

Crohn's Disease & Traveling to Israel


Inflammatory bowel diseases (IBD), which include Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis, affect as many as 1.4 million Americans, most of who are diagnosed before age 30. Crohn’s disease causes the immune system to attack healthy tissue in the gastrointestinal tract, causing inflammation. It is a life-long condition that can be treated but not cured.  Therefore, Crohn’s Disease can significantly affect patients’ quality of life and may have a high financial burden.   Ashkenazi Jews are at significantly higher risk for the disorder, and research is being conducted to understand what causes the illness and how it is connected to the Ashkenazi gene. ...

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  2377 Hits

Flu Vaccine shortage 2019


The Health Ministry released a report on Tuesday (24/12/19) showing a decrease of 1.5% in citizens getting flu shots. According to the Ynet news site report from Saturday, some 1.8 million people have been vaccinated so far this season in Israel, as the country’s four healthcare organizations are estimated to have just 150,000 vaccines remaining.  The shortage of flu vaccines is because last year, Israel health clinics had to throw away many flu vaccines, and this year, the production of flu vaccines started later than last year. This has resulted in a huge shortage of flu vaccines. Israel is expecting more...

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  2311 Hits

Eating Disorders during the gap year


Eating Disorders 10 million people in the U.S. have an eating disorder.  It is the third most common and chronic illness in the U.S.  More women than men suffer from this illness, and while the numbers are climbing in the Jewish population, the exact number of Jewish people with eating disorders is unknown. Most people know about two eating disorders:  anorexia and bulimia.  Not known to most people, the most common eating disorder is actually EDNOS –  or “Eating Disorder Not Otherwise Specified.”  Here is a short description of the three: Anorexia- A disorder in which an individual refuses to maintain...

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  2751 Hits

Ingrown Toenails


Ingrown toenails occur when your nails' edges or corners grow into the skin next to the nail. Your big toe is most likely to get an ingrown toenail, but any toenail or even fingernail can be affected. This condition is prevalent among people with sweaty feet, like teenagers and students, particularly those who wear fitted closed shoes for long periods of time. An ingrown toenail's causes include cutting your toenails incorrectly, particularly nails with jagged edges when you have irregular toenails when you drop something heavy on your toe. Sometimes, there can be a genetic predisposition to this condition. An ingrown...

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  3356 Hits

Donating Blood


Donating Blood Donating blood is an amazing thing. According to the Red Cross, one donation of blood can save three lives. Blood donation is safe for healthy adults. There’s no risk of contracting the disease. New, sterile equipment is used for each donor. Donating blood helps people who go through disasters or emergencies, loss of blood during surgery. It can also help women who have at-risk pregnancies. It’s not only the blood receiver that benefits from a blood donation. Donator has many benefits, as well. In order to donate blood, one must go through a health checkup. This test checks blood...

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  2182 Hits

Sties among Gap Year Students


Sties among students A sty is a red lump near the edge of the eyelid that accumulates bacteria in your oil gland. Sties can cause pain or itchy feeling around the eye, swollen eyelids, eye pus or tearing, and redness around the eye. Sties are extremely contagious, especially among students who dorm together. Eye sties can be caused by viruses, bacteria, and/or allergies. Leaving makeup on overnight, rubbing your eye excessively, and trying to extend the life of old contact lenses may cause bacteria to accumulate around the oil glands around your eye. Once you have a sty, if you don't...

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  2441 Hits

The Flu Shot Myths and Guidance


The Flu Shot Myths and Guidance for Dorms Influenza or “flu” is a dangerous, highly contagious virus that can cause high fevers, fatigue, achy muscles, chills, sweats, and headaches. The last flu season (2018-2019) was the longest in 21 years. According to the CDC, millions of people were hospitalized, and 61,000 people died in the US alone. To avoid this debilitating illness, we recommend getting the flu shot. The flu shot is a vaccine with weakened antibodies that stimulate normal immunity processes and protect people from the flu. The formulation changes every year and is different in the Northern and Southern...

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  2444 Hits

Yom Kippur Hydration


Fasting in Israel It’s hard to recall a Yom Kippur in Israel that did not include hearing someone fainting from dehydration.  Fasting in Israel can be a different experience from fasting in other countries. Even though this year Yom Kippur falls late on October 9th, and we hope for cooler weather, the dry, hot weather in Israel puts fasters at a higher risk of dehydration. Preparing for Yom Kippur a few days in advance is a sure way to fast safely on this High Holiday. When a person fasts, everyday behavior results in a loss of fluid that is not being...

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  3059 Hits

Vaping Among Gap Year Students


Vaping is a common trend among college students and young adults. 34% of college students use E-cigarettes.  Smoking and vaping are a social habit with poor health consequences. Most people have a preconceived notion that vaping, or E-cigarettes are safer than regular cigarettes. This is false. Vaping is a relatively new trend, therefore there isn’t a lot of information about the negative side effects that it can have. Vaping is very popular because it is (slightly) healthier than cigarettes, and you can choose whatever flavor you want. The smoke from vaping doesn’t have a smell, therefore you can vape inside a...

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  2294 Hits

Bug Bites in Israel


Summertime is here, and bug bites in Israel can be a bit unique due to being in the Middle East and a part of Asia's continent. Here are some common bug bites, how to identify and treat them, and when to get help. 1.Mosquitos – In the hot, humid areas of Israel, mosquitos are everywhere. Mosquitos are usually present in the early morning and late afternoon to evening hours. Mosquito bites are identified as a single bite surrounded by localized inflammation (a red bump) The vast majority of mosquitos in Israel are just annoying. However, Culex and Asian tiger mosquitoes are...

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  21762 Hits

Israel : Vaccination Update


Dr. Eliana Aaron contributed to the international epidemiological reporting system for proMed -,mail. ProMED-mail is a program of theInternational Society for Infectious Diseases An Israeli expert panel sub-committee recommended vaccinating children withMMR at age 1 and age 2 years to provide an additional booster to thisvulnerable age-group. Children ages 1 to 4 years remain the most affected bythe measles epidemic.Routine vaccinations of 6-year-olds will continue in school-based clinics.This is in light of an ongoing epidemic in Israel affecting primarilyultra-orthodox Jewish populations and sporadic communities of anti-vaxxers.This epidemic has spread to other ultra-orthodox communitiesinternationally.The recommendation is that the Ministry of Health has nobudget...

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  2753 Hits

Measles Management in Gap Year Dorms


Unfortunately, we have gotten to the point of managing measles in student dorms of gap year programs. As most of you know, there is currently a measles outbreak in Israel (and concurrently in Jewish communities in the New York area). According to the Israel Ministry of Health, as of December 10th, 2018, there were 2400 reported measles cases in Israel, but many more cases go unreported. Most cases have been in Jerusalem (1200+), Tzfat, Tel Aviv, and Petach Tikva, although almost every region has been affected. Since August, the number of people with Measles has doubled every month from 116 cases...

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  2527 Hits

Mononucleosis in Israel – Prevention & Management


We have noticed a significant uptick in the number of gap year students diagnosed with mononucleosis (“mono”) in the last few weeks. This affects many gap year programs – both yeshivas and seminaries – and lots of misunderstandings about mono are going around from parents and program administrators. We want to educate the public about this condition. Mononucleosis is a contagious illness caused by the Epstein-Barr Virus (EBV). It is spread through saliva, and in Israel, it is actually called the “kissing disease.” Spreading by saliva can include sharing utensils, drinking glasses, toothbrushes, or eating implements (think about a family dinner...

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  3625 Hits

West Nile Virus Outbreak in Israel


In recent weeks there has been a surge of West Nile Virus in Israel. A few hundred people have been infected, and several people (elderly or immunocompromised) have died in recent weeks. West Nile Virus is a virus spread by mosquitoes that have fed off of infected birds. The incubation period is 5-21 days on average. The virus peak activity, according to the Israel Ministry of Health, is from mid-August to mid-October. According to the CDC, 80% of people infected have no noticeable symptoms. West Nile Virus's symptoms for the remaining 20% of infected individuals are usually mild flu-like symptoms, including...

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  3866 Hits

Palliative Care Research


Participating in a research team from Yale University (alma mater), Dr. Eliana Aaron, The Max Stern Yezreel Valley College, and Rambam Medical Center meet to discuss their palliative care research project in Israel. The goal of palliative care is to improve the quality of life for both the person suffering from life-limiting illnesses and their family.  Dr. Eliana Aaron looks forward to the team moving forward in bringing excellent palliative care to Israel.   July 2018

  2804 Hits

Medical Concierge in Israel for Older Adults


Medical concierge stands for personalized, caring, inclusive health care case management for both tourists and residents in Israel. EMA Care is one of the few medical concierge companies in Israel. The only service managed and run by the highest level of experienced health care professionals and clinical experts. For residents in Israel, EMA Care offers the total package of medical case management and health care supervision and guidance in Israel. Each client has a customized service packaged based on their individual and family needs. This tailored package can include: 1. Case management for chronic health conditions. EMA Care will pull all...

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  3017 Hits

Dehydration and Israel Gap Year Students


Gap year students and dehydration have been a bad mix for decades. Unfortunately, with springtime heat waves in Israel, EMA Care has been called in recently to assist gap year students experiencing serious medical conditions stemming from dehydration. Dehydration can set it quickly in otherwise healthy people when the weather gets dry or hot – but heatwaves in Israel magnify the problem with both heat and dry winds. Student #1- Complained of serious back pain urinary tract infection symptoms. She believed her back pain was due to tossing and turning all night. Her urine test showed that she was severely dehydrated...

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  3468 Hits

Travel Insurance for Passover in Israel


Are you coming to Israel for Passover? Travel insurance provides you with protection against medical costs. Many tourists arrive in Israel without any medical insurance or with a plan that requires tourists to pay out of pocket for any medical surprises while they are away. When tourists return home, they need to deal with the paperwork and bureaucracy to get reimbursed for medical expenses. Medical Problems on Passover Medical problems and emergencies can happen anywhere, anytime. We cannot anticipate them with hundreds of thousands of tourists coming to Israel for Passover, the likelihood of medical problems arising increases. Some common unexpected...

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  2918 Hits

The Emotional Health of Gap Year Students in Israel


Now that the holidays are over, it’s time for gap year students to really settle into their year in Israel. This can be the time when emotional issues begin to surface, especially if the student has already experienced some emotional problems in the past. Common Gap Year Stressors are: 1. Trying to make friends 2. Academic pressure 3. Being on one’s own in a new environment 4. Financial responsibility 5. Changes in relationships, including family relationships 6. Exposure to new people and new ideas This list can potentially lead to a lot of stress for the most stable person. If a...

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  3145 Hits

Eating Healthy on Vacation


  If you are one of the hundreds of visitors coming to Israel for the holidays, EMA Care offers you tips on eating healthy on vacation!! In Israel, eating healthy when on vacation can be a double whammy……on vacation plus Jewish holidays!! Vacation is a time to relax, to not be at home, and to enjoy a different culture and foods. Some people look at a vacation as a time to indulge. Jewish holidays are based on lots of time praying in the synagogue and lots of time eating large, delicious holiday meals. This combination can result in an indulgent holiday...

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  3185 Hits

Medical Checklist for Gap Year Students


It's probably safe to say that the Gap year packing list your child received did not include a medical checklist. There are many reasons to give your kids some medical supplies and medicines before they leave. First of all, many over-the-counter medications in the US are available by prescription only in Israel!  Medical supplies are only...

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  6814 Hits

Students with Food Allergies


If you are a student with food allergies and living in a dorm, you must take precautions to assure you live in a safe environment.  It’s very important to realize that people who don’t have any exposure to anaphylactic allergies often don’t understand how dangerous they can be. For example, an allergy sufferer meets his roommate for the first time, he says I am allergic to peanuts. The roommate enjoys peanut butter and he says he will be very careful whenever he eats peanut butter in the room. “The peanut butter won’t go anywhere. How dangerous can it be?”. This is...

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  3447 Hits

Aging in Place in Israel


Aging in place is the phrase used to describe seniors who choose to stay living in their home – even when aging becomes more challenging.  Aging in place is a popular choice instead of moving to a skilled nursing facility, and over 96% of older adults in Israel are currently aging in place!  Aging in place requires coordination and utilizing services and resources available to ease the burdens often encountered as people age.  With aging in place, more people can choose where to live, and to maintain a higher level of independence for a longer period of time. Aging in place...

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  3014 Hits

Flu Vaccine in Israel


The Flu vaccine in Israel is available now!!  It’s important that you go now while flu vaccine supply lasts!! In previous years, there have been shortages of the vaccine.  Why should people get the flu vaccine? Influenza is a serious disease that can lead to hospitalization and sometimes even death.Between 80% and 90% of flu related deaths occur in people 65 years and older. So the vaccine is a must for seniors! Other people at risk include people of all ages with pre-existing chronic health conditions, children, and pregnant women.Even healthy people can get very sick from the flu and spread...

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  4973 Hits

Holiday Medical Care


Medical care during the holidays can get a little tricky in Israel. During the holidays, many medical offices and hospitals are operating on Shabbat mode.  Shabbat mode means that personnel are cut to a minimum staffing, many clinics are not operational, and routine, non-emergency health services are not provided.  These hours can include hospitals, emergency and urgent care centers, pharmacies, clinics, and private medical offices.  Medical offices have less operational hours (or none), so the few hours they are open, they are typically overbooked. Don’t forget that Medical Care during the Holidays includes the eve of holidays!  The eve of a...

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  2905 Hits

Guidelines for Fasting in Israel


Fasting in Israel can be a different experience from fasting in other countries.  It’s hard to recall a Yom Kippur in Israel that did not include hearing someone fainting from dehydration. Even though this year Yom Kippur falls late on October 12, and we hope for cooler weather, the dry, hot weather in Israel puts fasters at higher risk of dehydration.  Preparing for Yom Kippur a few days in advance is a sure way to fast safely on this High Holiday.   When a person fasts, everyday behavior results in a loss of fluid that is not being replaced in the course of...

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  3552 Hits

Socialized medicine in Israel = Self Serve Health care


How does socialized medicine work in Israel? How does it impact health care delivery? Every resident of Israel must have government-subsidized health care guaranteed to them by Israel’s Health Insurance Law of 1995.  How does this differ from private health care found in other countries? A 2015 Bloomberg report ranked Israel as tied for second place in health care efficiency!!  The United States ranks 50th (right above Azerbaijan, Algeria, Russia, and Brazil)!   Israel is credited with long life expectancy, emphasis on preventative care, and low-cost medical care.  This means you get better health care in Israel for a lot less money...

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  4174 Hits

Health Care for Israel Gap Year, Yeshiva, Seminary, and College Students

Parents of Gap Year Students in Israel: Did you know that most Gap Year Programs have no medical personnel?  Health Care for Israel Gap Year students is complicated. Nearly every program requires that students have health insurance, but this coverage leaves parents and Gap Year Programs wanting. Health Insurance does not cover pre-existing conditionsFor pre-existing conditions, parents and students must fend for themselves and find providers and solutions to the student’s needs Health Insurance pays for health coverage, but no one monitors the quality of service provided. If your child gets sick or suffers an acute injury (like a sprained ankle), he or...

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  5029 Hits

Why Do Gap Year Students Need EMA Care?

People have been asking “why do gap year students need EMA Care??” The answer is: Student health plans do not cover essential health needs that parents want for their child.  EMA Care provides those services and fills in the gaps left by local insurance programs.  Each year thousands of students come to Israel to work, study, and have fun!  After high school, it has become a rite of passage for Jewish youth from all over the world to spend 1-12 months in Israel.  The programs are varied from yeshiva/seminary or university study to volunteering in the Negev desert. These varied programs have...

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  5188 Hits

How To Avoid Food Poisoning in Israel


Food poisoning is an illness caused by eating or drinking food or water contaminated with viruses, bacteria, toxins, parasites, or chemicals. Typical symptoms of food poisoning are vomiting and diarrhea. In Israel, during the long hot summer, the possibility of food being contaminated is greater due to food exposure to extreme temperatures, or food that does not have sufficient refrigeration.  Many food vendors display their products on the street, and it’s important to be cautious!! This year EMA Care has assisted scores of students hit by food poisoning after food served by the schools was contaminated. Food poisoning has been known to...

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  7027 Hits

Travel health insurance - luxury or necessity?


Over Passover, 3 tourists from different part of the world had strokes while visiting Israel. Besides the trauma of a sudden health event which affected the whole family, compounded by being in a foreign country, the outlay of money was substantial. After overcoming tremendous culture gaps, they received excellent care in Israel. None of these previously healthy people had travel insurance.  Most did not get reimbursement for their hospitalization and treatment. This is but one example of why tourists need to get travel health insurance for visits to Israel. Here is information on tourist health insurance and getting optimal coverage when in Israel.  Who pays your bills when...

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  3800 Hits

Elderly Parents in Israel


Many elderly are choosing to live their golden years in Israel.  About 14% of immigrants to Israel are over the age of 65. What happens when a parent becomes ill and you, the children, are not living here?  Long distance care giving is tough, if not impossible.  What will you do if your parent deteriorates in function?  Has a stroke or a heart attack?  When a crisis occurs it can be daunting to understand where to turn, what to do next, and how to get information even if you are in proximity of your parent!  Imagine how incredibly difficult it will...

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  3415 Hits

Jellyfish Season in Israel


The warm Mediterranean Sea on Israel’s coast may be fun to swim in, but jellyfish season is upon us!  Every summer, Israeli beaches suffer from jellyfish for a number of weeks.  Whether in the water or washed up ashore, jellyfish pose a (potentially life threatening) hazard.  EMA Care gives you tips on what to do if you get stung by a floating cell or jellyfish tentacle. Fact: Jellyfish is one of the most intimidating creatures of the sea. In Hebrew the word for jellyfish is “medusa”. In classic Greek mythology Medusa is a monster (gorgon) in the form of a woman with snakes...

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  4461 Hits

Gluten Free in Israel


People with gluten-free diets often struggle with traveling and touring, as their diets can be challenging. Good news:  Israel is becoming more aware of the need for gluten free food. In this article, EMA Care gives guidance to gluten-free eating in Israel. Celiac disease is an autoimmune disorder in which gluten damages the small intestine.   The number of people diagnosed with the disease is 1 out of 133, or a little under 1% of the USA’s population.  HOWEVER, it is estimated that 83% of the people with celiac are misdiagnosed or undiagnosed!!  Research shows celiac disease is also on the rise in young adults...

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  3815 Hits

How to Prepare Your Teen for a Summer in Israel


From two-week summer volunteer programs to an eight-week all-inclusive tour of Israel, this summer there will be tens of thousands of young people visiting Israel. Whether it’s digging on an archaeological site, hiking from sea to sea, or studying in a yeshiva, it’s guaranteed to be a summer your child will not forget!  EMA Care wants to help parents support their teens' trip to Israel.  May is the perfect month to begin preparing your child on how to cope in a new country. Here are the top four things you can do to prepare your child for Israel: 1. Teach your child about...

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  2421 Hits

Case Management for Immigrants or Residents


Navigating the Israeli healthcare system is daunting even for those who were born and raised in Israel. There are many differences between the health care system in the US, Canada, France, or the UK and the system in Israel, especially in language and medical culture.  EMA Care is the only company in Israel providing case management, research services, and health advocacy for immigrants (Olim) and residents of Israel. When a crisis occurs, it can be even more frustrating without the medical language, connections, and understanding of the system – because in crisis mode no one functions optimally. This disorientation and even...

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  2473 Hits

Our Latest Blogs

25 June 2023
Medical Checklist for Gap Year Students It's probably safe to say that the Gap year packing list your child received did not include a medical supplies checklist. There are many reasons to give your kids some medical supplies and medicines before the...
31 October 2021
You have decided to make your Aliyah and currently take prescription medications. How can you continue with your medication regimen in Israel? How can you ensure that your medications are available in Israel and how do you communicate the need for th...
17 October 2021
During the Coronavirus pandemic, many people have been worried about the upcoming Flu season. But to everyone’s surprise, the numbers in the southern hemisphere were the lowest they have been in a long time. “Never in my 40-year career have we ever s...

EMA Care in the News

05 September 2021
Medical Care during the Holidays can be tricky in Israel especially if you do not speak Hebrew. During the holidays, many medical offices and hospitals are operating on Shabbat mode. Shabbat mode means that personnel is cut to minimum staffing, many ...
19 July 2021
Over the years, we've been approached by people who've asked us about different kinds of diets and food plans. Intermittent fasting has become very popular over the last few years. It is a method of dieting that restricts the amount of time you are a...
11 July 2021
 Telemedicine is a great option for caring for geriatric populations in Israel. This is especially true during the Covid-19 pandemic. Over the years, we’ve had many clients who care for their older, dependent parents. Take our clients, the A fam...

What Our Clients Say

Our COVID-19 WhatsApp informational group

Thank you so much for your help. I can't tell you how this Whatsapp group helps all of us. It makes everyone so much more relaxed to have real good information and have somewhere to ask questions, I am so grateful!

Our COVID-19 WhatsApp informational group

I want to express my appreciation for these very informative updates.

Thank you so much


Entry to Israel services

Your team was so attentive to my needs. Everyone was so incredibly quick to respond and were proactive when they were able!


Interview with Dr. Mobeen & Dr. Eliana Aaron

Many thanks for your hour-long session on Dr. Syed's YouTube channel. This is the best Hasbara Israel could wish for!


EMA Care information and Q&A conference

Thank you for the zoom (and all your updates). It was great. I wish the news was like that. Straight forward, factual, unemotional.  Bravo to both of you ladies!! 


EMA Care information and Q&A conference

Thanks so much for your time and attention! It was excellent! Thank you guys so much for organizing.


EMA Care information and Q&A conference

Thank you! Very helpful and comprehensive.


WhatsApp groups

I really appreciate being apart of your WhatsApp groups. It keeps me informed and up to date!


Ema Care WhatsApp groups

I have been following your updates closely and I really appreciate your posts and I know that I am reading accurate information 


Recommended by an Infectious Disease Specialist

My experience with Ema Care has been so positive that I wanted to share it in case it could help someone else. Eight days ago my daughter, a Shanah Bet student, called to say she wasn’t feeling well and had symptoms of Covid-19. I was put in touch with an Infectious Disease specialist who recommended Ema Care. I reached Dr. Eliana Aaron easily and signed my daughter up. The next morning, Ema Care gave my daughter a telehealth exam and provided her with prescriptions, as well as a list of
