This can be the time when emotional issues begin to surface, especially if the student has already experienced some emotional problems in the past.
Common Gap Year Stressors are:
1. Trying to make friends
2. Academic pressure
3. Being on one’s own in a new environment
4. Financial responsibility
5. Changes in relationships, including family relationships
6. Exposure to new people and new ideas
This list can potentially lead to a lot of stress for the most stable person. If a student has experienced depression, anxiety, eating disorders, or has been diagnosed with a personality disorder or mental illness it is understandable that the year in Israel can be a huge challenge.
“In 2015, about 3 million teens ages 12 to 17 had had at least one major depressive episode in the past year, according to the Department of Health and Human Services. More than 2 million report experiencing depression that impairs their daily function. About 30% of girls and 20% of boys--totaling 6.3 million teens--have had an anxiety disorder, according to data from the National Institute of Mental Health.” The National Institute of Health 2015
Unfortunately, even though emotional problems are so common there is still a stigma to report emotional and/or a mental problem to schools before the student arrives. This is a big mistake but it’s not too late to rectify now.
EMA Care assists students arriving with emotional problems to continue with therapy, medication, and counseling while in Israel. Almost every program, yeshiva, and seminary, has a mental health go-to person. Discretion and privacy is upheld to the highest professional level. In some schools the rosh yeshiva or seminary is not told about the emotional issue, keeping it as private as possible.The undisputed fact is students that report their emotional health history, finish their year successfully at a higher rate than the students and parents who do not disclose an emotional issue.
If you are hesitating to discuss your child’s emotional health with a professional in Israel, please call EMA Care now. We will alleviate your fears and worries and most importantly get your child the emotional support he/she needs to have a successful, healthy year in Israel. By getting your child help now, he/she will learn the life skills necessary to cope with difficult thoughts and feelings. You will be enabling your child not only to successfully finish the year, but to thrive in future endeavors.
EMA Care provides medical concierge, case management, and patient advocacy services to tourists, students and residents of Israel. We can be reached at . 052 6398444 Schedule your free consultation today.
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