Navigating the Israeli healthcare system is daunting even for those who were born and raised in Israel. There are many differences between the health care system in the US, Canada, France, or the UK and the system in Israel, especially in language and medical culture. EMA Care is the only company in Israel providing case management, research services, and health advocacy for immigrants (Olim) and residents of Israel.
When a crisis occurs, it can be even more frustrating without the medical language, connections, and understanding of the system – because in crisis mode no one functions optimally. This disorientation and even dysfunction is even more of a problem for people who are immigrants.
The Israeli health care system can be daunting to navigate even for native born Israelis. When there is a health crisis, coping with the system can be a real challenge. Planning for health needs in advance of Aliyah can prevent crises and prepare the family for entry into the system. EMA Care does research in advance of your Aliyah to help you make good decisions about your healthcare in Israel.
What is Case Management?
Case management is an important part of health care worldwide. Unfortunately, Israel's national health service has not yet incorporated case management into the health services and Kupat Holim. Nursing-based case management has been shown to improve health outcomes, increase patient empowerment, improve communication between the health providers and clients, save money, and prevent complications in health care management. Case managers are facilitators, advocates, communnicators, educators... and they are always seeking the best results for their clients!
EMA Care health professionals offer case management to people living in Israel with chronic or acute medical problems. EMA Care health professionals can help Olim and other residents navigate the health care system, find the best health care providers, provide preventative health care services, provide the latest health promotion and disease prevention options available, recommend health modalities that have proven benefit in care, and assist with communication with health providers and family members.
We will help manage your health care appointments, referrals, and red-tape to make your experience with the Israeli health care system more pleasant and understandable. From attending emergencies or appointments to telemedicine options, we accommodate your needs and your budget accordingly.
Case management, a standard of health care in most developed countries, is not yet developed in Israel. In general, Kupot Holim (health insurances) do not have these services. Furthermore, while preventative services for children is well developed in Israel, preventative services for adults and elders is not consistent in community settings. For example, in the US and elsewhere, your family physician will recommend a bone density test for women at age 50… in Israel they probably won’t unless you know to ask for it!
Case Managers are not case workers, who are social workers. Case workers generally manage the disability-related issues for elders or those who are chronically ill. They may manage health appointments, but do not usually have medical or nursing training to assure quality of care, evidence-based health care provision, or health promotion and education training.
Case Managers in developed countries are usually nurses with academic degrees who are assigned to a client. EMA Care Case Managers provide professional health education, information, coordination, communication, and preventative advisement based on the customized needs of the client and family.
An Added benefit of Case Management in Israel: Having a family member with an acute or complex health condition can create tension within a family, as many crises do. Indecision and difficulty coordinating care can cause stress for spouses and children, who are already deeply concerned about their family member's condition. At times, family members are abroad and need a local health provider to supervise care of an elderly parent. Case managers help facilitate communication between family members and health providers.
We provide regularly updated care plans and encouraging independence and client/ family goal attainment. With EMA Care Case Managers - Our focus is always YOU, the client.
Case: Sam (name and identifying information changed), who moved to Israel with his wife, and who had few medical problems before moving here. Three months after moving, he suffered a stroke. His wife Sarah did not know what the plan of care was in the hospital, the nurses and many physicians did not speak English, and she wasn’t even sure who was in charge of his care. EMA Care heath professionals visited Sam in the hospital, facilitated communication with the family, the medical, nursing, and para-medical staff, the social worker, and the Kupat Holim representative. EMA Care glued the pieces together to allow coordination of Sam's care, his rehabilitation and his discharge home.
EMA Care, together with the client, family and medical providers, help to plot out a plan of care and set health goals. with full family participation and understanding. We evaluate medical records to determine that the highest level of care was being provided, and suggest other modalities which may assist in a client's recovery. For Sam, we were able to negotiate for a home-based rehabilitation process, and supervised his progress through his recuperation. EMA Care communicates with family members abroad, which most physicians in Israel do not have time for, and to assure them of the client's progress and quality of care.
When in a crisis: You are not alone. EMA Care can help you and your family cope with acute and chronic health care issues in Israel.
All EMA Care employees are experienced, warm, licensed (in Israel and/or abroad) health care professionals with academic degrees in health care and excellent communication skills.
EMA Care is managed by Dr. Eliana M. Aaron who has over 20 years of experience in Israeli and US health care systems. Her bio is available here. EMA Care is fully insured to provide case management and health advocacy services in Israel.
Reach out now to schedule your free consultation and find out more about how EMA Care Case Management can help you and your family.
(Israel) 052-639-8444 * (US) 929-230-1792 *
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