The Flu Season 2021


During the Coronavirus pandemic, many people have been worried about the upcoming Flu season. But to everyone’s surprise, the numbers in the southern hemisphere were the lowest they have been in a long time. “Never in my 40-year career have we ever seen rates ... so low,” says Greg Poland, an influenza expert at the Mayo Clinic. This is probably due to social distancing all over the world.  Over the past few months, many countries have closed their bars, restaurants, and social events. This has led to fewer people socializing with one another and thus lowering the infection rates of the...

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  6074 Hits

Rheumatoid arthritis


Rheumatoid arthritis is an autoimmune chronic inflammatory disorder. Many people think that this disease only affects one’s joint - but it can also affect other things such as skin, lungs, heart, and blood vessels. About 40% of Adults have Rheumatoid Arthritis, and it usually strikes active adults who are active (and who overuse their joints).  Rheumatoid arthritis occurs when your immune system attacks the synovium (the lining of the membranes that surround the joints). The result is inflammation of the lining of the joint  which ultimately destroys the cartilage and bone within the joint. Women are more likely to develop this...

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  3299 Hits

Alzheimer's Disease in Israel


Alzheimer's disease is a progressive disorder that causes brain cells to waste away (degenerate) and die. Alzheimer's disease is the most common cause of dementia — a continuous decline in thinking, behavioral, and social skills that disrupts a person's ability to function independently. While Alzheimer's is a cause of dementia, it is a different disorder than simple dementia. The dying brain cells result in a different outcome than simple dementia. Most people associate memory loss with Alzheimer's. Other early symptoms and examples are: 1. Inability to multi-task- for example; impossible to keep tabs on how personal finances work 2. Unreasonable decisions...

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  3496 Hits

Yom Kippur Hydration and Safety


It’s hard to recall a Yom Kippur in Israel that did not include hearing of someone fainting from dehydration.  This year Yom Kippur will be a little different. The Coronavirus pandemic is the cause for a lot of changes in society with the most significant change this holiday season being the davening in shuls. This year Israel is not going to be in a lockdown but we still need to be very cautious. This year Yom Kippur is on September 16th and while the heatwave is over and the weather is cooling down a bit, it is still hot in Israel....

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  4254 Hits

Holiday Medical Care in Israel


Medical Care during the Holidays can be tricky in Israel especially if you do not speak Hebrew. During the holidays, many medical offices and hospitals are operating on Shabbat mode. Shabbat mode means that personnel is cut to minimum staffing, many clinics are not operational, and routine, non-emergency health services are not provided. Shabbat mode effects hospitals, emergency rooms, urgent care centers, pharmacies, clinics, and private medical offices. Medical offices have fewer operational hours (or none), so they are typically overbooked the limited hours they are open. Don’t forget that Medical Care during the Holidays includes the eve of holidays! The...

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  6638 Hits

Wheelchair Accessibility in Israel


Wheelchair and special needs accessibility in Israel: Many people dream their whole lives of visiting Israel and seeing its unique sites.  However, many people are stressed about traveling with someone who is in a wheelchair or has special needs because they are concerned about the trip is extremely limited. The ideal vacation when traveling with someone who is disabled is to find a place that is sensitive towards the disabled and has facilities that will help ease the struggle so that the family may enjoy a fun and stress-free vacation. Israel has many beautiful sites that are unlike any others in...

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  3457 Hits

The Polio Vaccine


Many people have grown up hearing Polio, iron lungs, and people migrating from urban areas to rural areas to avoid the Poliovirus. Thankfully, Polio was eradicated from the USA and most countries worldwide in 1979.  Polio or Poliomyelitis is a disabling and infectious disease that affects the central nervous system. Polio is a very contagious disease. It is estimated that 1 infected person will spread the Poliovirus to 5-7 people (1 infected person with seasonal flu will spread the virus to approximately 1.58 people). Polio is spread from person to person in two ways. First, people with polio shed the virus...

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  1839 Hits

The benefits of breastfeeding


Breastfeeding versus bottle feeding is a choice every parent will need to decide between welcoming a newborn into their family. During the recent Covid-19 outbreak, people have been recommending mothers to breastfeed rather than use formula. Why is this? What are the advantages of breastfeeding? Nutrition & development Breast milk is considered the best nutrition that a baby can get. Breast milk contains protein, carbohydrates, and minerals that help the baby grow and develop. It is important to note that breastmilk does not have vitamin D, so you might want to add vitamin D drops to your baby’s diet.  Breast milk...

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  1981 Hits

Intermittent Fasting


Over the years, we've been approached by people who've asked us about different kinds of diets and food plans. Intermittent fasting has become very popular over the last few years. It is a method of dieting that restricts the amount of time you are allowed to eat. The diet doesn't limit what you eat but when you eat.  Intermittent Fasting has many advantages: There are many different "plans" to choose from, and you can customize your dieting plan. Some people choose 8:16 (eating for 16 and fasting for 8), 16:8, 20:24, etc. It helps you develop healthy habits - specifically the habit of snacking....

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  5928 Hits

Tisha B'Av Fasting Tips


Fasting is never easy. For Jews, there are two significant fast days that everyone tries to uphold – Yom Kippur and Tisha B'Av. Around 40% of Israeli Jews fast the entire day of Tisha B'Av.  Tisha B'av usually occurs during the summer. Israeli summers are very hot with temperatures reaching over 100 degrees Fahrenheit (38 degrees Celsius), with high humidity and no clouds. The hot weather makes fasting dangerous because of the risk of overheating and dehydration. Most Israelis can recall stories of someone fainting from the heat while fasting.  The Risk of Dehydration  Your body requires a daily minimum amount...

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  3943 Hits

Telemedicine & Geriatrics in Israel


 Telemedicine is a great option for caring for geriatric populations in Israel. This is especially true during the Covid-19 pandemic. Over the years, we’ve had many clients who care for their older, dependent parents. Take our clients, the A family. Mrs. A has been caring for her elderly, frail father for many years.  With no other family in Israel, it is up to her to manage the medical appointments, the full-time aide, the basic care (food, hygiene), and any emergencies.  This responsibility is an honor for her to have, and she does it well… but it has prevented her from having...

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  5637 Hits

Encouraging Personal Hygiene Among Children


This week we celebrate national hygiene week! Personal hygiene is how you take care of your body, it includes certain habits like brushing your teeth, washing your hands, and bathing regularly. These habits limit your chances of developing an illness. Every day people encounter many microscopic germs, bacteria, and viruses. This year, awareness of personal hygiene has increased because of the COVID-19 pandemic. People have been wearing protective equipment such as masks, gloves, and face shields. This equipment reduces one's exposure to germs and viruses but not eliminate the risk. Additionally, children under the age of 7 are not required to...

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  2053 Hits

Will PCR testing still be required after COVID-19?


The Ministry of Health in Israel announced that as of June 15th, the indoor mask regulations will be appealed. So, besides isolation/quarantine, there will effectively be no COVID-19 restrictions for people inside Israel.  Many people wonder which health recommendations will remain after COVID-19 is gone. Will people still clean their hands regularly with alcohol gel? Will people wear masks when they are sick or in medical offices? And will PCR testing still be required to detect other viruses? Most people do not realize that the PCR test has been around for a while. PCR tests are commonly administered to detect microbial...

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  1895 Hits

Solving the PCR problem In Israel


Many tourists in Israel have been struggling with getting a PCR test before their flight home. Currently, travelers are required to do PCR testing within 72 hours before flying. Visitors want to end their vacation on a positive note, but many people have been frustrated by the inefficient PCR testing system in Israel. The most common issues that tourists face are lack of easy access to testing facilities, time wasted in waiting for home testers to arrive, and delayed results. PCR tests at a clinic PCR tests are offered in public clinics and hospitals around the country. However, there are many...

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  3421 Hits

Arthritis & Joint Pain


Arthritis is the swelling or tenderness of the joints. The two most common types of arthritis are Osteoarthritis and Rheumatoid Arthritis.  Osteoarthritis Osteoarthritis is the most common type of arthritis. It affects millions of people globally.  Every joint has cartilage that surrounds the bones and allows the joint to move smoothly. Osteoarthritis happens when the cartilage surrounding the joints starts to break down. This causes pain in the joint, especially during the movement of the joint. Osteoarthritis can also cause changes in the bones and deterioration of the connective tissue that attaches the muscle to the bone. Osteoarthritis is most common...

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  1744 Hits

Head Lice


Head lice are tiny bugs that feed on blood from the human scalp. An infestation of head lice is widespread among children who get lice from direct contact with someone who already has head lice. Most first-world countries have a rule about children who have lice. If a child has lice, they can't come to school until they have a note from someone who checks for lice that they no longer have lice. Sadly, in Israel, the rules are not strict, and lice are prevalent among children.  Symptoms  Disclosure – you may start feeling itchy from reading the symptoms. Don't worry,...

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  1912 Hits

How to help someone with PTSD?


Over the past few months, Israel has been going through a hard time. First, we had a year of the COVID-19 pandemic where movement restrictions were imposed to help control the disease spreading. Then we had the Meron tragedy in which 45 people were trampled to death while visiting Haar Meron on Lag B’Omer. Lastly, the tension with Gaza has developed into a conflict where thousands of missiles have been targeted at Israel—leaving the people to fear for their lives and seek safety in bomb shelters. Overall, this has not been an easy year for Israel.  Many people have been experiencing...

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  2459 Hits

Making Aliyah & Healthcare Considerations


This year it is estimated that over a million Jews worldwide have been looking into making Aliyah. This is probably due to the global Coronavirus pandemic and the increasing radical events that have been happening across the globe. Many people are choosing to make Aliyah and spend their golden years in Israel. In fact, about 14% of immigrants (olim) to Israel are over the age of 65. Many olim do not have a social network or speak the language, causing confusion when trying to navigate the healthcare system in Israel. This leads to gaps in current treatments, delayed appointments, or individuals...

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  5598 Hits

Dehydration & The Israeli Summer


Summer is here. During the summer, especially during scorching days, many people are taken to the hospital because of fainting due to dehydration. Dehydration occurs when more fluids leave the body than enters it. The human body consists of 75% water. Water can be found inside cells, in between the cells, within blood vessels, and is responsible for many bodily functions.  Causes  There are many different causes of dehydration.  Low water intake is prevalent when someone is sick, busy, or doesn’t have access to clean water (like traveling, hiking, etc.). Diarrhea or vomiting – while someone is experiencing diarrhea or is vomiting,...

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  2353 Hits

The Har Meron Tragedy & EMA Care


On April 30th, thousands of people arrived at Har Meron to celebrate Lag B’Omer. Due to the overload of people, 45 people were crushed to death, and 150 people were injured.  The natural landscape of Har Meron is extremely steep. Additionally, there was a waste on the ground, making pathways slippery. Due to the overcrowding, personal space was not possible. As people moved through a narrow passageway, which was on an incline, a ‘chain reaction’ occurred. The initial incident occurred because someone slipped and fell, causing those behind them to fall. This cascaded into people falling on one another, crushing those...

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  2141 Hits

Allergy Awareness Week 2021


Over 32 million Americans have food allergies, and the numbers have been growing over the last few years. Each year, we celebrate Food Allergy Awareness Week. This week, the allergy community has a unique opportunity to raise awareness of their food allergies and anaphylaxis. There are many ways to raise awareness of food allergies, both as individuals and as a community. Individual Awareness As an individual, there are many ways to help the allergy community. For people who are open about their food allergies, simply talking to co-workers, schoolmates, and friends can raise awareness. A person with allergies can ask their...

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  1801 Hits

PCR test vs. Antigen test


A lot of confusion exists among people regarding the difference between all the tests relating to COVID-19. Here is the difference between a rapid antigen test and a PCR test: Rapid antigen test (RAT): Rapid antigen test (RAT) detects specific viral antigens on the virus's surface from a swab of the mouth and nose of a patient. An antigen test can determine if you are carrying the Coronavirus. The FDA approved the antigen test for emergency use in May 2020. However, these tests aren't as accurate as a regular PCR test (PCR has an accuracy rate of 95% while the antigen...

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  2572 Hits

Antigen Test vs. serology (antibody) Test


  What is the difference between an antigen test and a PCR test? What is an Antigen test? An antigen test is a rapid covid-19 test determining if someone is currently infected with the COVID virus. The FDA approved antigen testing for emergency use in May 2020. The test works by using a sample from the upper respiratory tract (taken with a swab) and adds the sample to a solution that unleashes specific viral proteins. After applying the mixture to a paper strip, you will see if the COVID virus is present. The results are comparable to a pregnancy test (one...

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  1760 Hits

Who can enter Israel?


In April 2021, after a long year with a strict non-entry policy, the Israeli government decided to allow visitors to enter Israel under certain circumstances. The Israeli government was reluctant about opening its borders. Therefore, they haven't made the process easy. The government has very strict rules on who is and isn't allowed to enter Israel. Here is a list of people who can and cannot enter Israel:   Israeli citizens Israeli citizens (both vaccinated and unvaccinated) with a valid Israeli travel document (passport or travel document) can fly to Israel without prior approval. Unvaccinated Israeli citizens must quarantine for 10...

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  8840 Hits

Skincare & The Israeli Summer


Summer is approaching! The summer in Israel is known to be very hot and sunny. Going to the beach, participating in outdoor sports, and playing in the sun are everyday activities in the summer. While all these activities can be useful for vitamin D production, they can also be harmful and damage one’s skin. Side effects can range from dangerous, like skin cancer, to cosmetic damage like wrinkles and aging.   Actinic Keratosis/Solar Keratosis Actinic Keratosis, also known as Solar Keratosis, is a prevalent skin condition caused by exposure to the sun. Actinic Keratosis causes rough, scaly patched of skin (usually...

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  2059 Hits

What is an apostilles document?


Recently, Israel has opened up its borders for specific cases, first-degree family members, weddings, funerals, etc. The Israeli government requires a lot of verification from everyone entering the country. They need many different kinds of documents to ensure that your reason for entry is valid. All of these documents need to be apostilled. What is an apostilled document?   What is an Apostilled document? Certain legal documents are not legalized for use abroad. In the past, the process of making a legal document legal abroad was very complicated. In 1961, many countries gathered and signed the Apostille Treaty. The Apostille Treaty...

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  2717 Hits

serology (antibody) Testing & Entry into Israel


Recently, the Israeli government announced that they are going to let certain people enter Israel. This decision was made after a long year with strict non-entry policies due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Entry into Israel is very limited and has very restrictive qualifications, one of which is an antibody test (if the person entering Israel has been vaccinated or has recovered from Covid-19).   What is an antibody test? After someone is infected with a disease, their body produces antibodies to provide the body with protection and immunity against another possible infection. Antibodies are found in the blood of people who...

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  5275 Hits

Insomnia during the gap year


Insomnia, also known as sleeplessness, is a sleep disorder in which people have trouble sleeping.  They may have difficulty falling asleep or staying asleep as long as desired. Insomnia is typically followed by daytime sleepiness, low energy, and feeling depression. It may result in an increased risk of lower motor skills and problems focusing and learning. Moving to a new country for a year and leaving one’s family to learn for the year can be stressful. Being thousands of miles away from your comfort zone can cause sleeping problems.  Insomnia is prevalent during the gap year, especially during the holidays and the first few school...

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  3253 Hits

Yeast infections


A yeast infection is a fungal infection caused by a yeast-like fungus called Candida or Monilia. This fungus resides typically in one's body (the immune system keeps this fungus under control usually). If you get sick or are taking antibiotics, then this fungus can become an infection because your body’s natural defense is decreased.  Many gap year students don’t hydrate enough or are unaware of how to prevent yeast infections, therefore, it is common among them. What causes a yeast infection? Many things can cause yeast infections; here are a few examples: Antibiotics – some antibiotics can cause an imbalance in...

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  2080 Hits

Crohn's Disease


Crohn's disease in Israel can be challenging to manage, especially for non-residents and students, who don't understand the Israeli medical system and who don't have access to full health care services. Crohn's disease is a type of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) that may affect any segment of the gastrointestinal tract from where food enters to where it exists. Although is common among all age groups, it is especially common among young adults (before the age of 30). The most common symptoms are abdominal pain, cramping, diarrhea, and weight loss. Ashkenazi Jews are at significantly higher risk for Crohn's disease, and research...

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  3367 Hits

Avoiding Constipation During Pesach


Have you ever experienced constipation during Pesach? Chances are you have! Constipation is prevalent during Pesach, a time of year that our diets consist mainly of matzah. Constipation refers to bowel movements that are infrequent or hard to pass. The stool is often hard and dry, which can cause abdominal pain, bloating, and feeling as if one has not ultimately passed the bowel movement. The good news is that there are many easy ways to prevent it. Here are the reasons why people get constipated during Pesach. Dietary Changes During Pesach, People tend to eat a lot of matzah. People eat...

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  5180 Hits

Spring Cleaning tips


With Passover getting closer, many people have started doing their annual Pesach cleaning. The prospect of spring cleaning can be very stressful, especially during a global pandemic when kids are home all day. Some people are very organized about their schedules and plan a few weeks in advance in order to not be overburdened with work. Here are some tips to make this process less stressful.  Make a schedule Making a schedule a few weeks in advance can be very helpful. First, start by making a list of all of the things that need to be cleaned. Finally, divide the chores...

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  1952 Hits

Urinary Tract Infections (UTI)


A Urinary Tract infection or a UTI is an infection that affects the urinary tract. It can cause irritation and pain in the bladder. UTI’s are quite common among women, especially sexually active women.  A common myth is that UTIs can go away. This is false! UTI's can get better, but they won’t go away until you treat them with antibiotics. In some instances, women need to take long-term antibiotics to get rid of the infection.  Common symptoms: Here are the most common symptoms of a UTI. These symptoms vary for every person. Some UTI’s don’t cause sign and symptoms, but...

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  2106 Hits



A concussion is a mild traumatic brain injury and occurs after an impact to the head. Not every injury will result in a concussion; however, they are common. Nearly early 3 million people a year in the USA will sustain an injury resulting in a concussion. Many attribute that concussions are the result of sports injuries, car accidents, or physical trauma. Even though the most common cause of a concussion is a sports injury, it is important to know a concussion can occur from simple everyday activities such as a fall or even after jumping on the bed and hitting your...

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  1769 Hits

Drinking Responsibly


We would all like to hope that our children are going to behave responsibly throughout their year in Israel. However, it is important to educate your children on alcohol consumption, especially with Purim around the corner. The day after Purim, people who overindulge in drinking will feel the effects. Hangovers are awful.  What happens when a person knows he/she will be drinking? Are there ways to prevent a hangover? What are hangover remedies? A hangover is defined as disagreeable physical effects following a disproportionate amount of drinking. Symptoms may include headache, nausea, vomiting, and difficulty concentrating. It can take 8-24 hours...

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  1939 Hits

Appendicitis in Gap Year Students


Appendicitis is the Appendix's inflammation, which is located on the lower right side of your abdomen. Appendicitis causes extreme pain in your lower abdomen; however, the pain radiates all over the stomach. Although everyone can develop Appendicitis, it is the most common for young people between 10-30. What does the Appendix do? The function of the Appendix is still unknown. Many researchers found that it holds good bacteria that can help reboot the digestive system after diarrheal illness. Others claim that the Appendix is a bacteria that became useless with evolution. People who have Appendicitis and have it removed don’t need...

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  2325 Hits

Eating Disorders Among Gap Year Students


Each year, ten thousand two hundred deaths are the direct result of an eating disorder—that's one death every 52 minutes. 9% of the world has an eating disorder. Eating disorders are also a sign of mental health problems. About 26% of people with eating disorders attempt suicide. Eating disorders are prevalent, especially among young women. The number of cases in the Jewish population is increasing. However, the exact number is still unknown. Most people know about two eating disorders:  anorexia and bulimia.  Not known to most people, the most common eating disorder is EDNOS –  or “Eating Disorder Not Otherwise Specified."...

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  1881 Hits

The Psychological Effects of Lockdowns


The COVID-19 pandemic has dramatically affected society in many different ways. Many countries have enforced lockdowns to lower the number of Coronavirus cases. These lockdowns have a significant effect on one's environment, income, and especially mental health.  Due to the Coronavirus, many people have become unemployed. Unemployment can cause much stress by itself. Worrying about making ends meet, paying your bills, and worrying about making it through the week can cause much stress.  In addition to that, these people are stuck at home with their families and kids. The kindergartens and schools are closed during a lockdown; therefore, the parents are...

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  2057 Hits

National Obesity Awareness Week


39% of the world adult population suffers from obesity. Since the 1970’s, the rate of obesity has tripled! Obesity is a disease where one’s body has an excessive amount of fat. Being obese isn’t just a physical or cosmetic problem. The issue has grown to epidemic proportions, with over 4 million people dying each year as a result of being overweight or obese in 2017, according to the global burden of disease. Obesity can affect one’s chances of getting diabetes (type 2), developing heart problems, high blood pressure, and even cancer.  People usually become obese due to genetics, having a bad...

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  2275 Hits

Retinal Detachment


Retinal detachment is an emergency situation in which a thin layer of tissue in the retina (at the back of the eye) moves from its normal position. The most common causes of retinal detachment are aging or eye injury. If left untreated permanent loss of eyesight can occur. Thankfully, About 80% to 90% of retina surgical procedures are successful, and although in some cases more than one operation may be necessary, chances of a full recovery are high if the situation is caught in time. Early detection  Early detection is key in this situation. Here are the symptoms of a retinal...

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  2000 Hits

The Antibody Test


During the past few months, people have been in and out of quarantine. Some go into quarantine when they come back from abroad, some test positive for Covid-19, while others were exposed to someone who tested positive. The Ministry of Health announced that they are allowing people to get exempt from quarantine if they have a positive antibody test.  What is an antibody test? Antibodies are found in the blood of people who have been infected with certain diseases to determine if they have immunity (The immunity may be long term or short term, depending on the virus) and they usually...

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  1813 Hits

Indoor Activities for the lockdown and winter


Today, (December 27th, 2020) the third offical lockdown is starting. For many people this means finding activities for their kids, homeshooling, and finding ways to enjoy the Holidays and newyears.  Every winter (regardless of the Coronavirus or the lockdown), people tend to stay home and not go outside because of the cold weather. While many people prefer the summer when they can go outside and enjoy the fresh air, winter has many benefits. Winter can be a very warm and happy time of the year. Many families snuggle up with sweaters and blankets while drinking hot cocoa and watching a nice...

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  1680 Hits

The Covid-19 Vaccine


Comparing Steps Required for Regular FDA Vaccine Approval and the Steps the Currently Approved Vaccines Underwent The launch of widespread vaccination for the coronavirus in Israel has been met with enthusiasm from the many dedicated healthcare professionals across the country and although this feeling has by-and-large been shared by the public, feelings of skepticism and concern are present as well. Under normal circumstances a vaccine can take more than 10 years to develop- from research, clinical development, to regulatory review and approval, and finally distribution. How then was a vaccine for COVID-19 developed in under a year? We know that the vaccine...

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  3049 Hits



Everyone has heard people say, “please close the door, I’m going to get hypothermia”, they say it playfully, but it is a very serious medical emergency. Hypothermia is a condition that occurs to your body when it loses heat faster than it can produce. Natural body temperature   is around 98.6 F (37 C) degrees.  Hypothermia occurs when the body is exposed to cold weather. Whether it’s not wearing the right clothing for the cold weather and even stepping in a puddle. When your body temperature drops, your body will slow down, slowing down your heart,  system, nervous system, and other...

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  2083 Hits

Teenage Gambling


Gambling is a serious addiction that afflicts more than 10 million Americans every year. Nowadays, people are exposed to gambling from TV, movies, the internet, and apps. These devices make gambling seem like an innocent way to pass the time. However, gambling is a slippery slope.  Most gambling applications attract their audience by playing on ‘practice mode’. These practice modes allow people to try out gambling without any consequences and then they are more likely to download the app and play it frequently (meanwhile thinking that there aren’t any consequences).  The number of people who suffer from gambling addiction is growing...

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  2072 Hits

Chanukah & Covid-19


Chanukah is a time of the year that People gather around the menorah and celebrate the 8-day holiday of Chanukah. Common activities include making potato pancakes, baking Jelly doughnuts, and playing with Chanukah gelt. While these activities are a lot of fun, they present a problem with Coronavirus.  Many of those activities involve making food, singing Chanukah songs together, and playing games that involve passing things to one another etc. These things can be dangerous when it comes to spreading disease and infection. For example – while playing Chanukah games, even if every player washes their hands very well before playing,...

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  2186 Hits

Seasonal Allergies


Season allergies are also known as "Hay Fever" are common, especially when the seasons change. It when mold, trees, grasses, and weeds release their spores into the air. The immune system treats these spores as invaders, and this causes allergy symptoms. One of the most common allergies in Israel is the Olive tree allergy. Olive trees are one of the most popular trees (In Israel, there are 52,500 acres of olive plantations) that are grown in Israel. What most people don't know is that the Olive trees cause a lot of allergies. The pollination season lasts two months from the beginning...

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  2948 Hits

Sudden Emotional Problems in Gap Year Students


This year, many gap year students have been experiencing a lot of stress due to the Coronavirus pandemic.  What happens when a student develops an emotional problem while he/she is in Israel? How can the student or parent recognize the signs of a serious problem?  Who can the student turn to? How can the parent who is thousands of miles away, help? How to Detect a Problem? There is a lot of assistance and support available to students who are having an emotionally difficult time during their year in Israel.  If this is the student’s first time experiencing depression, anxiety, eating problems...

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  2182 Hits

Social Activities – High or low risk?


After months of tight restrictions and lockdowns, the wish for us to get out of our houses and engage in social activities is very high. Most people wish to take part in social activities but afraid of getting infected with the Coronavirus. Also, many people don't know which activities are safer than others. Here are some activities that are considered high or low risk. We hope that this list will help you make the right decisions about social interaction. Weddings – high risk Although the regulations in Israel still only allow weddings to be up to 10 people indoors and 20...

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  2445 Hits

The Evolving Health Professional


Over the past few months, medical staff all over the world have been working around the clock. Due to the Coronavirus, doctors, medics, and nurses in Israel have been working overtime because of the lack of medical staff. There are also many new challenges that medical personnel are facing. They have to wear protective equipment that they didn't have to wear before, including, face mask, face shields, gloves, gowns, and even hazmat suits. They also need to limit their time with each patient to limit their exposure to the Coronavirus.  Our EMA Care staff have also been faced with new challenges....

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  2131 Hits

The Flu & Covid-19: A Double Threat?


As the winter nears, people have been concerned over the idea of a double epidemic, the Flu and the Coronavirus. Last year, the Coronavirus spread around the world towards the end of the flu season so the overlap was minimal. However, this year many people are scared of facing The Flu and The Coronavirus at the same time.  The Flu season comes around every winter. The Flu is a dangerous, highly contagious virus, and it can cause high fevers, fatigue, achy muscles, chills, sweats, and headaches and is spread by droplets that are released from one’s nose and mouth when one...

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  2331 Hits

The Danger of Vaping


Vaping is a common trend among college students and young adults. 34% of college students use E-cigarettes.  Smoking and vaping are social habits with poor health consequences. Most people have a preconceived notion that vaping, or E-cigarettes are safer than regular cigarettes. This is false. Vaping is a relatively new trend, therefore there is not a lot of information about the negative side effects that it can have. Vaping is very popular because it is supposedly healthier than cigarettes. There are many reasons people choose to vape and smoke E-cigarettes. For one, the smoke from vaping doesn’t have a smell, therefore...

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  2191 Hits

Constipation during the Gap Year


Constipation in Gap Year Students Have you ever traveled to a new place and experienced constipation? Over the past few years, we have had many gap year students complain about constipation – usually within the first 2 months of being in the country. We had a vegetarian student once who was eating only tofu- no vegetables, fruits, and definitely not a balanced diet.  We had another student who was eating only potato chips and soda, because they were too tired to cook or even go out at the end of the long day.  These students end up gaining weight and developing...

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  2102 Hits

Choosing the Right Doctor in Israel


Visiting a doctor for the first time can be overwhelming. Will this doctor listen to your concerns? Will this doctor spend the appropriate time to answer your questions clearly and with patience? Will this doctor have the bedside manner that you expect? Do they have the medical experience needed to manage and treat your particular diagnosis? These are all valid concerns that go through one's thoughts when thinking about their medical care. How do you know if you are at the right doctor for you? Before going to your first visit to a doctor it's important to realize that proper medical...

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  1997 Hits

World's Mental Health Day!


 This year on October 10th we celebrate the World's mental health day. This day gives an opportunity for people around the world to raise awareness towards mental health, people with mental health disorders can share their stories, and mental health professionals can talk about their work and what they have accomplished. Every year more and more people are diagnosed with mental health disorders, whether it's anxiety or depression. This year the numbers have risen even more due to the Coronavirus. According to the KFF, 53% of adults in the US reported that their mental health has been negatively affected since the...

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  1873 Hits

Mental Health & Quarantine - Tips and story


Video for mental health and quarantine:  00:00 – intro  01:34 – coping with quarantine  02:01 – keep your mind occupied – zoom classes and social activities  02:41 – talking to people (not mediated)  03:34 – getting fresh air  04:40 – Limit the amount of time you spend looking at the news  05:42 – Develop your hobbies  06:06 – exercise and stay active  06:32 – personal story[embed=videolink]

  1811 Hits

Breast Cancer Awareness Month


This week we celebrate Breast Cancer Awareness month. Although breast cancer is more common in women it's important to know that it can occur in both men and women. Breast cancer occurs when the breast cells grow in an abnormal way, forming a lump in the breast, often beginning with the milk-producing ducts.  Women between the ages of 45-54 should get a mammogram done at least once a year. However experts in the field say that 5 out of every 10 cases are related to a genetic mutation.Therefore, if someone has a known family history of Breast Cancer, then they should...

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  2499 Hits

Succot & Honey Allergy


Check out Food Allergies blog on Honey allergy during the Holiday season  Click here!  

  1536 Hits

Holiday Lockdown


As Israel approaches its second lockdown, let us take a look at lockdowns and their effects. Lockdowns have been shown to significantly lower the R0 (the mathematical term that indicates how contagious an infectious disease is) (by 81% on average), and always lowered it to less than 1. However, it should be noted that new cases generally continue to grow until 10-20 days after the lockdowns are imposed, albeit more slowly. So, while being an effective short-term tool if used for a long enough period of time, it is by no means a cure for the disease. If the lockdown lasts...

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  1647 Hits

The Chagim - Shuls and blowing the shofar


The Shofar holds great significance in the Jewish community. Every year during the holidays, Jews gather around and hear the shofar being blown. This has been done for thousands of years and it is an ancient tradition. This year will go down in history as the year of changing traditions for the health and safety of the community. Due to the global pandemic, many things, including blowing the shofar, are going to change. New Regulations For one, people need to wear masks, keep to social distancing regulations and shuls(synagogues) can only hold a certain amount of people at a time. Speaking...

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  2580 Hits

Suicide prevention week


In many cases, friends and families affected by a suicide loss (often called "suicide loss survivors") are left in the dark. Too often the feelings of shame and stigma prevent them from talking openly.a time to share resources and stories in an effort to shed light on this highly taboo and stigmatized topic. We use this month to reach out to those affected by suicide, raise awareness and connect individuals with suicidal idealization to treatment services. Suicide is when a person directs violence at themselves in order to end their lives. Suicide attempts are among people who suffer from mental health problems, that most...

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  1962 Hits

Telemedicine, Thermometers, and Coronavirus


diTelemedicine refers to the practice of caring for patients remotely when the provider and patient are not physically present with each other. The technology for telemedicine is constantly evolving and it is allowing more and more people to be able to use telemedicine.  Telemedicine is especially useful during the time of a global pandemic. Many people are at high risk of getting many diseases, including the Coronavirus. These groups of people stay at home and do not have access to the quality of medical care that they would normally receive. Telemedicine allows these people to receive good quality healthcare without risking their...

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  1870 Hits

Immunity towards the Coronavirus


With the year about to start, more and more people are recovering from the Coronavirus. Many people have been asking if someone who had the Coronavirus got re-infected or do they have immunity? And if so, is it long term immunity? Long Term Immunity Early studies have shown that the COVID-19 antibodies can fade after a short amount of time. However, this study didn't take into consideration the multiple levels of defense in our immune system. Recent Studies Suggest Lasting Immunity Even in People with Mild Symptoms. A flurry of recent studies has found lasting antibodies and immune cells called B-cells...

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  1776 Hits

Choosing to be Happy


Is Laughter really the best cure? Laughter is contagious and it makes you feel good. laughter causes people to feel excited and happy. Being happy triggers healthy physical changes in the body. Laughter and comedy have many benefits for your mental health, physical health, and quality of life.  A study in 2017, found clear and compelling evidence that happy people tend to live longer and experience better health than their unhappy peers. During these difficult times, many people have been experiencing a lot of stress. So, it is important to try and distract oneself from the reality of Covid-19.  Laughter is...

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  1811 Hits

So, Your Child's in Quarantine


As the number of COVID19 cases in Israel continues to grow, many parents are growing increasingly worried about their children ending up in quarantine. Not only does this come along with any number of health scares, but it can be extremely stressful for other reasons as well. For working parents this means having to be away from the office for 14 days, for big families it means finding a place to keep their child isolated and that’s not to mention the emotional strain being alone may take on a child. So, how can parents best prepare for these two weeks?  Have...

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  1929 Hits

Dealing with Stress about the Upcoming Gap Year


Sending your child to a foreign country for a gap year can be concerning. Parents worry that their child's getting lost, they worry about their kids experiencing anxiety, and they worry about their kids getting sick. Sending your children to Israel for their gap year is stressful enough, even more so now during a global pandemic, with many parents experiencing a lot of stress and anxiety. Thanks to EMA Care, most yeshiva and seminaries have a pandemic plan in place in case of another Coronavirus outbreak. Schools that have a pandemic plan have logistical plans (food, laundry, cleaning) to allow their...

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  1957 Hits

highlights from zoom meeting about students with pre-existing conditions


EMACARE invites you to enjoy the highlights from our zoom conference held on Sunday August 9th. Hosted by our Director Dr Eliana Aaron it aimed to instill confidence and bring clarity to parents whose children have pre-existing conditions and are sending their children to Israel for the gap-year/seminary/yeshiva program during the challenging times of the Covid-19 pandemic. Topics included: *adapting medical care during coronavirus *prescription medication challenges in the age of coronavirus *gaining confidence in your child's treatment plan *proactive measures YOU can take *emotional and physical care View the full conference video @ undefined  

  2086 Hits

Public Transportation - Bus vs. Taxi


In this video, Dr. Eliana Aaron will discuss taking pubic transportation. Many people have asked which form of public transportation is safer - taxies & Buses? 00:00 – introduction 00:32 – How to safely take a taxi? do I need to wear a mask and gloves in a taxi? 03:30 – is it safe to pay with cash? 06:26 – whipping down door handles 07:10 – how to safely take a bus? 07:57 – where is the safest place to sit? 08:53 – getting on a crowded bus 11:23 – Taxi vs. a bus – which is safer?

  1931 Hits

Updated Medical Checklist for Gap Year Students


Medical Checklist for Gap Year Students It’s probably safe to say that the Gap year packing list your child received did not include a medical supplies checklist. There are many reasons to give your kids some medical supplies and medicines before they leave.  First of all, many over-the-counter medications in the US are available by prescription only in Israel and getting medication in Israel can take a long time! Medical supplies are only available in pharmacies (not in supermarkets) and come in smaller amounts for more money.  There are no 24/7 pharmacies in Israel.  Prescription medication is cheaper in Israel than...

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  1643 Hits

Coronavirus Weight & Health tips


Over the past few months, most countries around the world have been closed down due to the Coronavirus outbreak. This means the gyms, pool, parks, and malls have been closed. People are being told to work from home and not leave their homes for non-essential reasons. Many people have found it very difficult to maintain their weight and health during the international pandemic. People can no longer work out at the local gym, go running, go swimming, and people are becoming lazy in their own homes. Many people have found it very hard to maintain a normal weight and healthy eating...

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  1622 Hits

The New Dating Reality


The Coronavirus has presented the world with a new reality. People don’t leave their houses as or go out to eat as often as they used to, and people aren’t engaging in social activities. Young people are always very active and are highly engaged with their social lives. As a result of the Coronavirus, many young adults have been feeling more depressed about their lives.   The Coronavirus has definitely affected the reality of dating. Many people have to go on dates while wearing masks and covering half of their faces, keeping a distance between one another, and many people have decided...

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  1818 Hits

Tisha B'av fasting tips


During any major fast in Israel, we always hear many stories of people who fainted because of dehydration. Tisha B’av is considered one of the most important fasts in the year and many people fast. Due to the Coronavirus, people aren’t leaving their houses as much, so the risk of overheating and being dehydrated is slightly better. However, Tisha B’av is a very long fast and it is falling on a very hot summer day. According to the weather report, the temperature should be in the high 80’s and in the low 90’s. Therefore, it is important to make sure that...

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  2226 Hits

Marijuana induced psychosis


Marijuana-induced psychosis is real and dangerous. This is perhaps most important to remember when gap year students are away from home for the first time. The average cannabis user, seller, and manufacturer want you to believe that marijuana is an innocent, harmless drug. It is mainly described as a relaxing way to unwind. As marijuana usage becomes legal and more popular, it's important for people to know the facts about marijuana and its possible side effect. While there are some medical benefits to medical cannabis, which can be taken under the auspices of a physician for specific conditions, there are lesser-known...

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  1851 Hits

Fake news during a Coronavirus Pandemic


In this video Dr. Eliana will discuss the fake news that has been going around about wearing masks. 00:00 – introduction 00:18 – fake studies and agenda’s 02:07 – how to distinguish between fake news and real news 06:08 – why do people want to do this? 12:07 – does wearing masks violate our freedom? 12:50 – some tips on identifying fake news

  1581 Hits

The gap year - how to deal with pre-existing conditions during a Covid-19 pandemic


In this video, Dr. Eliana will discuss the upcoming gap year program and kids who are coming with pre-existing conditions. Students who come for the year aren’t apart of the Israeli medical system so this means that the kids usually need to pay out of pocket. 00:00 – introduction 00:42 – kids with pre-existing conditions. 03:07 – how is this year going to be different and medications 05:52 – arranging appointment with specialists 08:24 – asking the right questions

  1776 Hits

How to properly wear a mask


The Dos and Don'ts of wearing masks: Wearing masks has been a controversial topic over the last few months. While most of the leading physicians encourage people to wear masks at all times (while outdoors), many people find the mask uncomfortable and they accidentally make their masks useless against the Coronavirus. Here are some guidelines on wearing masks: Wear your mask over your mouth and nose! It is very common to see people wearing their masks over their mouths and not over their noses, especially while talking. When we speak to someone, we often breathe with both our mouth and our...

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  1858 Hits

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome


Chronic Fatigue Syndrome or CFS is a common fatigue disorder that cannot be characterized by any underlying medical condition. The fatigue may get worse with physical or mental activity but doesn't improve with rest. While there are many theories as to what causes CFS, there isn't one test that can diagnose it. The theories range from viral infection to mental stress, but the cause still isn't known. Signs and symptoms may include: FatigueLoss of memory or concentrationSore throatMuscle or joint painNot sleeping well Some viruses cause someone to develop this disorder. After someone gets infected with a virus, their body is...

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  1793 Hits

17th of Tamuz fast in Israel


It’s hard to recall a fast day in Israel that did not include hearing of someone fainting from dehydration.  Fasting in Israel can be a different experience from fasting in other countries. This year the 17th of Tamuz is a fast day and it is coming out during the hot, Israeli, summer. Hot weather in Israel puts fasters at higher risk of dehydration. Preparing for a fast a few days in advance is a sure way to fast safely. When a person fasts, everyday behavior results in a loss of fluid that is not being replaced in the course of the day. ...

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  1864 Hits

Skin conditions during the summer in Israel:


Summer in Israel The summer in Israel is known to be very hot and sunny. Going to the beach, outdoor sports, and playing in the sun are common activities in the summer. While all of these activities can be good for vitamin D production, they can also be harmful and damage one's skin. Some side effects can be as bad as skin cancer, while some can cause cosmetic damage like wrinkles and aging. Actinic keratosis Actinic keratosis is also known as Solar keratosis is a very common skin condition caused by exposure to the sun. Actinic Keratosis causes rough scaly patches...

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  2008 Hits

The jellyfish season in Israel


The warm Mediterranean Sea on Israel’s coast may be fun to swim in, but the jellyfish season is upon us!  Every summer, Israeli beaches suffer from jellyfish for a number of weeks.  Whether in the water or washed up ashore, jellyfish pose a (potentially life-threatening) hazard.  EMA Care gives you tips on what to do if you get stung by a floating cell or jellyfish tentacle. Fact: Jellyfish is one of the most intimidating creatures of the sea. In Hebrew, the word for jellyfish is “Medusa”. In classic Greek mythology, Medusa is a monster (gorgon) in the form of a woman...

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  4572 Hits

Managing Medication in Israel


Managing and understanding of medication can be challenging for anyone.  Medication in Israel is not the same as medication in other countries, especially if you are from the United States.  If you are coming to Israel as a tourist, be sure to bring your medication with you.  Managing medication in Israel is an important consideration if you are here for a longer stay, whether a tourist, resident, volunteer, or diplomat.   You will need to do research before you arrive, as not every medication is the same when traveling to foreign countries.   For example, common medications may have different names in Israel. ...

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  3133 Hits

Youth & the Covid-19 Risk


Introduction Many young adults have never experienced a life-threatening event in their lives. Most teenagers and youth undermine risks and think they are invincible to dangerous situations. When teenagers see a “smoking can kill” sign on their box of cigarettes, they won’t care, and in most cases, they will ignore it. Teenagers often do extreme sports and crazy hikes known to be dangerous because they don’t think the danger applies to them.  Many young adults tend to separate between themselves and their future-selves “this is a future me problem,” or “I’ll deal with it tomorrow” – are common things that teenagers...

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  1975 Hits

Tourists coverage for seniors


As a senior or the child of a senior, the scariest thing that you can imagine is going through an emergency alone (or your parent being alone). It is important to develop a good emergency plan if you don’t have anyone to come with you to the emergency room. It is also important that you know the medical system, speak the local language, and translate between you and the medical staff. Here at EMA Care, our providers are licensed, experienced health care professionals who speak English, Hebrew, and French. Our employees are experienced communicators that have professional, warm personalities required for...

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  1928 Hits

Dementia in Israel


Dementia describes a group of symptoms affecting memory, thinking, and social abilities severely enough to interfere with your daily life.  Dementia is caused by natural aging in most people, resulting in damage to or loss of nerve cells and their connections in the brain. Depending on the area of the brain that's affected by the damage, dementia can affect people differently and cause different symptoms. It isn't a specific disease, but several different diseases may cause dementia. One of those diseases is Parkinson’s Disease. Some Parkinson’s genes are connected to the Jewish people. While Alzheimer’s disease(link to blog) is the most...

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  2220 Hits

How to properly wear a mask - The Do's and Don'ts


  Dr Eliana Aaron talks about proper mask use and explains the reasoning behind it so you can protect yourself from COVID-19. The proper way to wear a mask (Time: 1:09) Common mistakes while wearing a mask (Time: 3:13) Cover your nose -Which part of the mask is contaminated -How to take the mask off -Covering the chin and nose properly -Gaps on the side -Eating and drinking How many times can you re-use a mask? (Time 12:00) Wearing make-up while wearing a mask (13:05) Painting your mask (Time: 13:55) Storing your mask (Time: 14:05) Face shields/visors (Time: 15:35) Cloth masks...

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  2199 Hits

Thank-you from Yeshiva's and Seminaires


I appreciate the recognition of the work my EMA CARE team and I have done to keep students healthy and safe during this crisis.

  2160 Hits

Dehydration during the summer


With summer here, one of the most important things to do is hydrate. Dehydration can quickly set in otherwise healthy people when the weather gets dry or hot – but heat waves in Israel magnify the problem with both heat and dry winds. Hot weather usually makes people feel HOT, but it can also lead to serious and alarming health problems. Experts say that when nighttime temperatures do not drop much lower than daytime temperatures, there is added stress on the body. The most common problem linked to hot weather is heat stress. Heat stress occurs when the body’s temperature is...

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  1855 Hits

Weddings & COVID-19


Dr. Eliana talks about the new regulations regarding making weddings in Israel. Today weddings are allowed to be up to 50 people. wedding halls are starting to open on June 14th. There are many new regulations for example a covid-19 officer that will make sure that the regulations are being taken seriously. The current wedding situation – (Time: 0:30) Event hall regulations/COVID-19 officer - (Time: 2:30) Maximum occupancy – (Time: 3:47) Pre-registering for the wedding – (Time: 5:00) Social distancing – (Time: 6:40) Dancing – (Time: 7:43) Opening of the bar and social events around the world – (Time: 12:50) Which...

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  1778 Hits

The Flu vs. Covid-19


Dr. Eliana talks about about the flu vs the coronavirus. Covid-19 and the flu both are respiratory disease, however Covid-19 is more contagious, and the fatality rate is much higher. The flu – (Time: 0:47) Death rates with both the flu and coronavirus – (Time: 1:20) How they spread – (Time: 2:35) Incubation period – (Time: 4:26) Symptyoms – (Time: 6:01) A study on the flu v peek and the Coronavirus peek – (TIme: 8:00) Are you a senior living in Israel? Or do you have elderly parents living in Israel? Contact EMACare to find out how WE can help YOU....

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  1798 Hits

Top 5 Areas of Healthcare to Tend to Now


Thankfully, the coronavirus sanctions are lifting. The kupahs are getting back to normal working hours, and it is time to stop ignoring your important medical care. Top 5 Areas of Healthcare 1. Family doctor - Many of us may have seen our family doctor via telephone call or Zoom meeting, but there is nothing like an in-person consultation with your doctor. If you have not been feeling 100% (not coronavirus related) and/or you need prescriptions refilled, now is the time to go. Request referrals from your family doctor to see specialists. 2. Pharmacy – restock medication, including over-the-counter medication. Make sure any...

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  1693 Hits

Chronic Pain in the Elderly


Advanced age increases the risk of health complications which can lead to chronic pain. Unlike grey hairs and wrinkles, chronic pain is NOT part of the normal aging process. Chronic pain is described as pain lasting 3 months or longer. The following conditions often result in chronic pain: ArthritisNeuropathy, spontaneous or a diabetes side effectCancer, as well as its treatmentBone Fractures Chronic pain disrupts the quality of life for many elderly. The resulting distress can lead to sleep deprivation, depression, and anxiety. It's a vicious circle: without proper sleep, the body reacts with even more pain. How we can help EMA...

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  1889 Hits

Getting into the holiday spirit during the Coronavirus pandemic


 The Coronavirus has introduced most people to a new kind of life. We can’t see family unless we follow certain conditions, we can’t socialize without wearing masks, and it is hard to get into the spirit of the upcoming holiday, Shavuot. Shavuot is a very spiritual holiday; it is when the Jews were given the Torah and became the Jewish nation. Every year, we renew our acceptance of God’s gift. It is important to focus on the atmosphere of chag, rather than on events that usually take place. Usually, people go to shul and sing along with the community, some people...

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  1751 Hits

Pandemic Planning


Covid-19 took the world by a storm. No one could have prepared, predicted, or imagined the ramifications it would have on the world. With governmental regulations changes’ occurring so rapidly, everyone was struggling to understand and implement the latest guidelines. But fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me. Institutions with dormitories have the collective responsibility of thousands of students and as experts predict a second wave around the fall- there is no excuse for a lack of preparedness this time around. We cannot afford to have another year of study disrupted, our students have only one...

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  3867 Hits

The Hassle of Making Medical Appointments


When you are unwell the last thing you want to deal with is the frustration of trying to get a timely doctor's appointment. However, whether it's an appointment with a family doctor for a sore throat or with a specialist for a chronic medical condition, you may find that the process does not run as smoothly as you would like. In Israel, appointments with kupat doctors are made via the kupah website, the kupah app or their 24-hour phone service (moked).One major advantage of using the app or the website is that you will see a listing of all doctors and available appointments in the location you choose...

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  1955 Hits

Choosing the Right Doctor


Choosing the Right Doctor Visiting a doctor for the first time can be overwhelming. Will this doctor listen to your concerns? Will this doctor spend the appropriate time to answer your questions clearly and with patience? Will this doctor have the bedside manner that you expect? Do they have the medical experience needed to manage and treat your particular diagnosis? These are all valid concerns that go through one’s thoughts when thinking about their medical care. How do you know if you are at the right doctor for you? Before going to your first visit to a doctor it’s important to...

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  1708 Hits

Family Challenges During Coronavirus Quarantine


Due to government regulations, schools, work, and stores have all been shut down. During our time at home, it is easy to get frustrated by family members and get into fights. Here are a few EMA Care tips for having your own space while also spending quality time with one another. Parents who are working from home should have their own areas of the house where they work. Children in school should also study in their own rooms or their own spaces around the house.There should be times of the day that the family spends quality time together. Families should make...

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  1777 Hits

Parenting your parent during the Covid-19 outbreak


Parenting a Parent During Covid19 Pandemic Everyone agrees the elderly and the older adult populations rate highest for serious complications from the Covid19 (corona) virus creating challenging for parenting a parent during this pandemic. Many adult children understand this and are trying to protect their parents from the illness. Many adult children are also facing parents who are not cooperating in following proper safety rules and regulations. How to parent a parent? Do not assume the parent completely understands the situation. Explain clearly how contagious Covid19 is and explain the risk to their age group. This is the time to empathize...

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  1809 Hits

Tips for Mental Health & the Coronavirus outbreak


The COVID-19 outbreak is a stressful time for people. Under current regulations, individuals are not allowed to leave their homes unless essentially necessary. Fear and anxiety about the disease can be overwhelming and cause strong emotions in adults and children. Everyone reacts differently to stressful situations. Those who are more vulnerable are: Older people and people with chronic diseasesChildren and teensWorkers helping with the response to COVID-19, like healthcare workers, or first respondersPeople who currently have an underlying mental health condition Common signs of stress during a disease outbreak include: Fear and worry about your health and the health of your...

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  2475 Hits

Tips on Avoiding the Coronavirus


  With the spread of COVID-19 throughout the globe, people are looking for the best ways to protect themselves and their families. Between masks and avoiding air travel, there are any number of tips floating around the internet that may not actually be as useful as they seem. So, what are the best ways to keep your family healthy? And which online tips have merit, and which do not? Wash Your Hands This one sounds obvious, but when breaking it down it actually becomes a little more complicated than it seems. It turns out that most people do not adhere to...

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  3100 Hits

The Coronavirus and the Jewish Community


Throughout history, Jews have always lived in close communities. It has long been a defining characteristic of Judaism. The synagogue is the center of the Jewish community, people gather together to pray, as well as for communal gatherings. Since the recent Covid-19 outbreak, people have been advised to not be in gatherings of more than 100 people. In Israel, this has been lowered to 10 people! This includes Bar/Bat Mitzvahs, funerals, weddings, and even prayer. For many this is devastating.   Rabbinical councils are urging members of Jewish communities to protect themselves. They are limiting access to prayers in synagogues to 20...

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  2525 Hits

Our Latest Blogs

25 June 2023
Medical Checklist for Gap Year Students It's probably safe to say that the Gap year packing list your child received did not include a medical supplies checklist. There are many reasons to give your kids some medical supplies and medicines before the...
31 October 2021
You have decided to make your Aliyah and currently take prescription medications. How can you continue with your medication regimen in Israel? How can you ensure that your medications are available in Israel and how do you communicate the need for th...
17 October 2021
During the Coronavirus pandemic, many people have been worried about the upcoming Flu season. But to everyone’s surprise, the numbers in the southern hemisphere were the lowest they have been in a long time. “Never in my 40-year career have we ever s...

EMA Care in the News

05 September 2021
Medical Care during the Holidays can be tricky in Israel especially if you do not speak Hebrew. During the holidays, many medical offices and hospitals are operating on Shabbat mode. Shabbat mode means that personnel is cut to minimum staffing, many ...
19 July 2021
Over the years, we've been approached by people who've asked us about different kinds of diets and food plans. Intermittent fasting has become very popular over the last few years. It is a method of dieting that restricts the amount of time you are a...
11 July 2021
 Telemedicine is a great option for caring for geriatric populations in Israel. This is especially true during the Covid-19 pandemic. Over the years, we’ve had many clients who care for their older, dependent parents. Take our clients, the A fam...

What Our Clients Say

Our COVID-19 WhatsApp informational group

Thank you so much for your help. I can't tell you how this Whatsapp group helps all of us. It makes everyone so much more relaxed to have real good information and have somewhere to ask questions, I am so grateful!

Our COVID-19 WhatsApp informational group

I want to express my appreciation for these very informative updates.

Thank you so much


Entry to Israel services

Your team was so attentive to my needs. Everyone was so incredibly quick to respond and were proactive when they were able!


Interview with Dr. Mobeen & Dr. Eliana Aaron

Many thanks for your hour-long session on Dr. Syed's YouTube channel. This is the best Hasbara Israel could wish for!


EMA Care information and Q&A conference

Thank you for the zoom (and all your updates). It was great. I wish the news was like that. Straight forward, factual, unemotional.  Bravo to both of you ladies!! 


EMA Care information and Q&A conference

Thanks so much for your time and attention! It was excellent! Thank you guys so much for organizing.


EMA Care information and Q&A conference

Thank you! Very helpful and comprehensive.


WhatsApp groups

I really appreciate being apart of your WhatsApp groups. It keeps me informed and up to date!


Ema Care WhatsApp groups

I have been following your updates closely and I really appreciate your posts and I know that I am reading accurate information 


Recommended by an Infectious Disease Specialist

My experience with Ema Care has been so positive that I wanted to share it in case it could help someone else. Eight days ago my daughter, a Shanah Bet student, called to say she wasn’t feeling well and had symptoms of Covid-19. I was put in touch with an Infectious Disease specialist who recommended Ema Care. I reached Dr. Eliana Aaron easily and signed my daughter up. The next morning, Ema Care gave my daughter a telehealth exam and provided her with prescriptions, as well as a list of
