Gambling is a serious addiction that afflicts more than 10 million Americans every year. Nowadays, people are exposed to gambling from TV, movies, the internet, and apps. These devices make gambling seem like an innocent way to pass the time. However, gambling is a slippery slope.
Most gambling applications attract their audience by playing on ‘practice mode’. These practice modes allow people to try out gambling without any consequences and then they are more likely to download the app and play it frequently (meanwhile thinking that there aren’t any consequences).
The number of people who suffer from gambling addiction is growing increasingly over the past few years. Many people don’t realize the severe consequences that come with gambling.
Teenagers are especially susceptible to this problem. During Chanukah, many teenagers and even college students play a spirited game of playing with dreidels and betting real money. This often starts with a harmless game that ends up in a serious addiction. In fact, 1 in every 20 students is considered a compulsive gambler.
Negative Implications
Early warning signs
It is very important to notice the early warning signs, especially with young adults and students. Some warning signs are:
If someone suffers from anxiety or depression they are more likely to want to distract themselves by using social media apps, including gambling games. These games give them a short-term sense of accomplishment and make them feel better (even if they win a small prize)
How to prevent Teenagers from gambling
We aren’t saying that playing with a Dreidel on Chanukah will lead to a serious gambling addiction, however, it is a dangerous slippery slope. So, when playing a friendly game on Chanuka, try to play with chocolates or candies and not on money and valuable things.
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