Masks and Social Distancing


Do the N-95 masks help?  Do masks work? This is a question that many people have asked us in the past few weeks. The COVID-19 (Coronavirus) was discovered in China in December of 2019. It is widespread in Asia, especially in China and Japan, to see people walking around wearing surgical masks to prevent the inhalation of pathogens and pollution. Surgical masks aren’t effective against COVID-19 (Coronavirus). The N-95 mask has been recommended for medical professionals providing direct care because they are thicker than a surgical mask. Still, neither Schaffner nor the CDC (Centres for Disease Prevention and Control) recommends public...

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  2885 Hits

Coronavirus vs. the Flu


Over the past few weeks, the media has exploded with news on the Covid-19/ Novel Coronavirus. There have been many reports of outbreaks in 73 countries worldwide (as of February 29, 2020). Many more people have been panicking about the possibility of getting infected. During the peak of seasonal flu season in the Northern hemisphere, this outbreak has occurred, making identifying Covid-19 vs. flu very challenging as they share the same symptoms. So far, the new coronavirus (Covid-19) has led to more than 79,000 cases and 2800 deaths in China and more than 7000 cases, and 150 deaths worldwide. The overall...

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Purim Safety


We would all like to hope that our children will behave responsibly throughout their year in Israel. However, it is important to educate your children on alcohol consumption, especially with Purim coming soon. The day after Purim, people who overindulge in drinking will feel the effects. Hangovers are awful.  What happens when a person knows he/she will be drinking? Are there ways to prevent a hangover? What are hangover remedies? A hangover is defined as disagreeable physical effects following a disproportionate amount of drinking. Symptoms may include headache, nausea, vomiting, and difficulty concentrating. It can take 8-24 hours for symptoms to...

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Is wearing face masks effective against coronavirus?


As seen in many photos from China and Asia, many ordinary people have been wearing masks when outdoors to prevent catching the coronavirus. In the photo – some people are getting creative due to mask shortages in specific Asian countries. Is wearing face masks effective against coronavirus?  Most people do not know when masks are effective, when they are a waste, and how to manage if you need a mask to prevent illness. Basic rules of mask-wearing for Novel Coronavirus from the World Health Organization: People with suspected Novel Coronavirus should wear a medical-grade mask if possible and have as much...

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  3300 Hits

How Covid-19 Can Affect Me?


With all of the news surrounding the Novel Coronavirus the past few weeks, many people are scared to travel and possibly expose themselves to the new, dangerous virus. Israel has gone to many lengths to prevent the disease from spreading in Israel.  These actions aim to prevent the virus from spreading and allow people to feel safe in Israel. The Novel Coronavirus is a new kind of virus that started spreading in China. Coronaviruses are a large family of common viruses in many different species of animals, including camels, cattle, cats, and bats. Coronavirus is a type of virus responsible for...

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Crohn's Disease & Traveling to Israel


Inflammatory bowel diseases (IBD), which include Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis, affect as many as 1.4 million Americans, most of who are diagnosed before age 30. Crohn’s disease causes the immune system to attack healthy tissue in the gastrointestinal tract, causing inflammation. It is a life-long condition that can be treated but not cured.  Therefore, Crohn’s Disease can significantly affect patients’ quality of life and may have a high financial burden.   Ashkenazi Jews are at significantly higher risk for the disorder, and research is being conducted to understand what causes the illness and how it is connected to the Ashkenazi gene. ...

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Traveling to Israel with an allergy?


Allergy-free baked goods Every Jew dreams of vacationing in Israel with their family and friends. When you go on vacation, you want to have a stress-free vacation, and not have to worry about having any medical problems or allergic reactions. Sadly, Israel is very bad with labeling products for allergens, especially since all of the spices are processed in the same machine as nuts and sesame. Until now, allergy-free baked goods were simply a dream in Israel. Unless you take precautions, Israel may not be a great place to visit if you have food allergies.  Depending on what you are allergic...

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Flu Vaccine shortage 2019


The Health Ministry released a report on Tuesday (24/12/19) showing a decrease of 1.5% in citizens getting flu shots. According to the Ynet news site report from Saturday, some 1.8 million people have been vaccinated so far this season in Israel, as the country’s four healthcare organizations are estimated to have just 150,000 vaccines remaining.  The shortage of flu vaccines is because last year, Israel health clinics had to throw away many flu vaccines, and this year, the production of flu vaccines started later than last year. This has resulted in a huge shortage of flu vaccines. Israel is expecting more...

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  2657 Hits

Planing a trip to the east this summer?


Traveling to the east or southeast  Traveling after serving in the army is very common amongst Israelis. They usually travel to eastern countries such as India, Thailand, Vietnam, and the Philippines. These countries are third-world countries that have different diseases than Israel and lower the quality of healthcare. Due to the climate and local hygiene standards, the risks of illness are generally higher than in more developed parts of the world.  Therefore, it is essential to be prepared and make sure you have updated standard vaccines. Recommended vaccines Typhoid – this is a very infectious disease that is spread through water...

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  2332 Hits

Eating Disorders during the gap year


Eating Disorders 10 million people in the U.S. have an eating disorder.  It is the third most common and chronic illness in the U.S.  More women than men suffer from this illness, and while the numbers are climbing in the Jewish population, the exact number of Jewish people with eating disorders is unknown. Most people know about two eating disorders:  anorexia and bulimia.  Not known to most people, the most common eating disorder is actually EDNOS –  or “Eating Disorder Not Otherwise Specified.”  Here is a short description of the three: Anorexia- A disorder in which an individual refuses to maintain...

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Ingrown Toenails


Ingrown toenails occur when your nails' edges or corners grow into the skin next to the nail. Your big toe is most likely to get an ingrown toenail, but any toenail or even fingernail can be affected. This condition is prevalent among people with sweaty feet, like teenagers and students, particularly those who wear fitted closed shoes for long periods of time. An ingrown toenail's causes include cutting your toenails incorrectly, particularly nails with jagged edges when you have irregular toenails when you drop something heavy on your toe. Sometimes, there can be a genetic predisposition to this condition. An ingrown...

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Constipation During the Gap Year


  Have you ever traveled to a new place and experienced constipation? Over the past few years, we have had many gap year students complain about constipation – usually within the first 2 months of being in the country. We had a vegetarian student who was eating only tofu- no vegetables, fruits, and definitely not a balanced diet.  Another student was eating only potato chips and soda because they were too tired to cook or even go out at the end of the long day.  This student ended up gaining weight and developing skin problems! Constipation refers to bowel movements that...

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  2599 Hits

Donating Blood


Donating Blood Donating blood is an amazing thing. According to the Red Cross, one donation of blood can save three lives. Blood donation is safe for healthy adults. There’s no risk of contracting the disease. New, sterile equipment is used for each donor. Donating blood helps people who go through disasters or emergencies, loss of blood during surgery. It can also help women who have at-risk pregnancies. It’s not only the blood receiver that benefits from a blood donation. Donator has many benefits, as well. In order to donate blood, one must go through a health checkup. This test checks blood...

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Sties among Gap Year Students


Sties among students A sty is a red lump near the edge of the eyelid that accumulates bacteria in your oil gland. Sties can cause pain or itchy feeling around the eye, swollen eyelids, eye pus or tearing, and redness around the eye. Sties are extremely contagious, especially among students who dorm together. Eye sties can be caused by viruses, bacteria, and/or allergies. Leaving makeup on overnight, rubbing your eye excessively, and trying to extend the life of old contact lenses may cause bacteria to accumulate around the oil glands around your eye. Once you have a sty, if you don't...

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  2817 Hits

Is the Celiac treatment right around the corner?


A new treatment for celiac: Celiac disease is an immune disease in which people can't eat gluten because it will damage their small intestine. About 1 in 100 people suffer from Celiac disease (1% of the world). The only way to avoid inflammation is to be on a strict gluten-free diet. Gluten is a protein found in wheat, barley, and rye. Therefore, people who suffer from Celiac can’t eat foods such as bread, pasta, cookies, or any food that contains gluten. In Israel, there are laws regarding labeling food for gluten. There are sections in supermarkets that are gluten free and...

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  2975 Hits

The Flu Shot Myths and Guidance


The Flu Shot Myths and Guidance for Dorms Influenza or “flu” is a dangerous, highly contagious virus that can cause high fevers, fatigue, achy muscles, chills, sweats, and headaches. The last flu season (2018-2019) was the longest in 21 years. According to the CDC, millions of people were hospitalized, and 61,000 people died in the US alone. To avoid this debilitating illness, we recommend getting the flu shot. The flu shot is a vaccine with weakened antibodies that stimulate normal immunity processes and protect people from the flu. The formulation changes every year and is different in the Northern and Southern...

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Yom Kippur Hydration


Fasting in Israel It’s hard to recall a Yom Kippur in Israel that did not include hearing someone fainting from dehydration.  Fasting in Israel can be a different experience from fasting in other countries. Even though this year Yom Kippur falls late on October 9th, and we hope for cooler weather, the dry, hot weather in Israel puts fasters at a higher risk of dehydration. Preparing for Yom Kippur a few days in advance is a sure way to fast safely on this High Holiday. When a person fasts, everyday behavior results in a loss of fluid that is not being...

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Vaping Among Gap Year Students


Vaping is a common trend among college students and young adults. 34% of college students use E-cigarettes.  Smoking and vaping are a social habit with poor health consequences. Most people have a preconceived notion that vaping, or E-cigarettes are safer than regular cigarettes. This is false. Vaping is a relatively new trend, therefore there isn’t a lot of information about the negative side effects that it can have. Vaping is very popular because it is (slightly) healthier than cigarettes, and you can choose whatever flavor you want. The smoke from vaping doesn’t have a smell, therefore you can vape inside a...

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Mental health during your gap year in Israel


The gap year program is a great experience. It allows young adults to become independent, mature, and expand their education. However, this year is also a major transition for most students, which can lead to anxiety amongst themselves and their parents. Some students develop temporary anxiety during their year because they are in a foreign country by themselves for the first time. Others come to Israel with pre-existing conditions that are being managed by medication or a therapist. These conditions should not prevent young adults from coming to Israel because they are very manageable. Over the years, we have seen many...

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Our Latest Blogs

25 June 2023
Medical Checklist for Gap Year Students It's probably safe to say that the Gap year packing list your child received did not include a medical supplies checklist. There are many reasons to give your kids some medical supplies and medicines before the...
31 October 2021
You have decided to make your Aliyah and currently take prescription medications. How can you continue with your medication regimen in Israel? How can you ensure that your medications are available in Israel and how do you communicate the need for th...
17 October 2021
During the Coronavirus pandemic, many people have been worried about the upcoming Flu season. But to everyone’s surprise, the numbers in the southern hemisphere were the lowest they have been in a long time. “Never in my 40-year career have we ever s...

EMA Care in the News

05 September 2021
Medical Care during the Holidays can be tricky in Israel especially if you do not speak Hebrew. During the holidays, many medical offices and hospitals are operating on Shabbat mode. Shabbat mode means that personnel is cut to minimum staffing, many ...
19 July 2021
Over the years, we've been approached by people who've asked us about different kinds of diets and food plans. Intermittent fasting has become very popular over the last few years. It is a method of dieting that restricts the amount of time you are a...
11 July 2021
 Telemedicine is a great option for caring for geriatric populations in Israel. This is especially true during the Covid-19 pandemic. Over the years, we’ve had many clients who care for their older, dependent parents. Take our clients, the A fam...

What Our Clients Say

Our COVID-19 WhatsApp informational group

Thank you so much for your help. I can't tell you how this Whatsapp group helps all of us. It makes everyone so much more relaxed to have real good information and have somewhere to ask questions, I am so grateful!

Our COVID-19 WhatsApp informational group

I want to express my appreciation for these very informative updates.

Thank you so much


Entry to Israel services

Your team was so attentive to my needs. Everyone was so incredibly quick to respond and were proactive when they were able!


Interview with Dr. Mobeen & Dr. Eliana Aaron

Many thanks for your hour-long session on Dr. Syed's YouTube channel. This is the best Hasbara Israel could wish for!


EMA Care information and Q&A conference

Thank you for the zoom (and all your updates). It was great. I wish the news was like that. Straight forward, factual, unemotional.  Bravo to both of you ladies!! 


EMA Care information and Q&A conference

Thanks so much for your time and attention! It was excellent! Thank you guys so much for organizing.


EMA Care information and Q&A conference

Thank you! Very helpful and comprehensive.


WhatsApp groups

I really appreciate being apart of your WhatsApp groups. It keeps me informed and up to date!


Ema Care WhatsApp groups

I have been following your updates closely and I really appreciate your posts and I know that I am reading accurate information 


Recommended by an Infectious Disease Specialist

My experience with Ema Care has been so positive that I wanted to share it in case it could help someone else. Eight days ago my daughter, a Shanah Bet student, called to say she wasn’t feeling well and had symptoms of Covid-19. I was put in touch with an Infectious Disease specialist who recommended Ema Care. I reached Dr. Eliana Aaron easily and signed my daughter up. The next morning, Ema Care gave my daughter a telehealth exam and provided her with prescriptions, as well as a list of
