EMA Care provides case management and medical concierge services for seniors and residents of Israel

EMA Care understands that newcomers to Israel who experience health problems have unique needs in working with the Israeli health care system. These needs include Hebrew medical language, local health culture, and finding excellent providers.  International evidence also points to communication as being the key to obtaining good health care service.  EMA Care is committed to providing high-quality auxiliary health care services. Our excellence in communication provides accurate, updated health information and superior health services referrals to clients. 


Choosing the  Kupot Holim

EMA Care offers residents help in choosing the  Kupot Holim (health insurance plan) that is right for YOU!! With our research and thoroughness, we will spend the time, that you don’t have, to understand fully what you need.

Medical decisions are daunting even for the Israelis that have been living here their entire lives. All the more so for Israeli residents that did not grow up here with a network of informed friends and family.

Care management 

EMA Care offers care management for residents suffering from chronic health issues. There are many differences between the health care system in the US, Canada, France, or the UK and the system in Israel, especially in language and medical culture.  EMA Care is the premier company in Israel providing case management, research services, and health advocacy for immigrants (Olim) and residents of Israel.

When a crisis occurs, it can be even more frustrating without the medical language, connections, and understanding of the system – because in crisis mode no one functions optimally. This disorientation and even dysfunction are even more of a problem for people who are immigrants.

Let EMA Care help you as you navigate the system. Our health professionals will advocate for you, assuring you of the best health care Israel offers!