Allergy-free baked goods
Every Jew dreams of vacationing in Israel with their family and friends. When you go on vacation, you want to have a stress-free vacation, and not have to worry about having any medical problems or allergic reactions. Sadly, Israel is very bad with labeling products for allergens, especially since all of the spices are processed in the same machine as nuts and sesame.
Until now, allergy-free baked goods were simply a dream in Israel. Unless you take precautions, Israel may not be a great place to visit if you have food allergies. Depending on what you are allergic to, finding allergy-free baked goods may be especially problematic. The prevalence of sesame, eggs, and tree nuts in foods such as cakes, cookies, bread, burekas, and pastries is common. Even if the product does not contain sesame or nuts, there is a very high probability the product had been mixed and/or baked with utensils that have been used with these common allergens.
Going into any bakery in Israel, you will witness sesame and/ or nuts in virtually every product, on the floor, shelves, and stuck to nearby products, thereby contaminated them. Whether allergic to eggs, sesame, tree nuts, poppy seeds, or peanuts – virtually no bakery is safe and allergy-free.
Any severe food-allergy sufferer who can go into anaphylactic shock because of exposure to specific foods knows just how important it is to avoid these dangerous triggers. This poses a serious problem for millions of food allergy sufferers who want to visit Israel, study in Israel, or just want to eat food like a “normal” allergy-free person at an event or on vacation.
EMA Care and Food Allergy Concierge have heard your concerns. For the first time in Israel, allergy-free baked goods are available for purchase.
EMA Care is happy to announce that we are now suppliers of kosher allergy-free baked goods, delivered anywhere in Israel. These items are custom-tailored to your specific allergy needs. Baked goods such as cupcakes, cookies, cakes, bread, and challot are available by pre-order only. Delicious, kosher, and safe!
EMA Care and Food Allergy Concierge have experienced, trained professionals who provide a sterile, allergy-free environment for baking. The highest standards that you would expect are met. Our products are delicious and varied to meet your taste and food allergy accommodation.
Call EMA Care today to place your order!!
EMA Care provides medical concierge, food allergy concierge, case management, and patient advocacy services to tourists, students and residents of Israel. We can be reached at or Schedule your free consultation today.
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