The marathon has become a rite of passage for many gap year students in Israel. It is a beautiful route, complete with running past the Old City walls and into modern Jerusalem. Many students are using the Jerusalem Marathon to run for different chessed (charitable) organizations. Whether they are running the full 42 km, 21 km, 10 km, or 5 km, we wish all the runners stamina and luck!
The Ministry of Health recommends that a family or sports physician examine runners before running in the race:
*Ministry guidelines indicate that the examination should include an EKG to rule out congenital heart defects.
8 hours before the race:
*Increase intake of carbohydrates such as pasta, rice, potatoes, and bananas
*Consume a bit more salt than you normally would
*Refrain from drinking coffee and alcoholic beverages
*Drink 500 ml of water two hours before the race
*Slowly consume another 500 ml of water before the race begins
Be sure to get enough sleep, especially on the night before the race.
During the race:
*Drink water at every station
*Use a sunscreen (and re-apply as you sweat it off!)
*The recommended water consumption rate is 7 ml per kg per hour for men (e.g., a man weighing 70 kg should drink approximately 0.5 liters of water every hour) and 6 ml per kg per hour. Drink an additional 100-300 ml of water each hour, according to quantities of sweat and weather conditions
*On hot days, runners should pour water over their heads and bodies, cool themselves under the sprinklers along the course, and increase water intake.
Tomorrow – the weather will be in the 50s and partly sunny, which is great weather for a marathon! Less chance of overheating, but a good chance of getting a sunburn.
After the race:
*Drink water and eat as needed
*It is recommended to weigh yourself before and after the race
(without clothes that absorb large quantities of sweat) to estimate the loss of fluids during the race. Every kilogram lost during the race should be replaced with 1-1.5 liters of water (but no more!)
Before and during the race:
*Dress according to the weather conditions on the day of the race. Prepare a change is needed after the race.
*Note important personal information on the back of your number tag, including name, telephone number, important medical information (sensitivity to drugs, conditions such as diabetes and asthma, etc.)
*Runners with diabetes should carry a tag or indication of their condition and carry carbohydrates with them
*Runners with asthma should carry a tag or indication of their condition. It is recommended to use an inhaler as necessary
*Stop running, move to the side and approach a member of the medical team located along the course in case any of the following symptoms appear:
Chest pain
New, unfamiliar pain
Extreme shortness of breath
If you notice that any of the other runners are not feeling well or have collapsed, notify a member of the medical team immediately.
GOOD LUCK to all of our students and clients who are running in the marathon! EMA Care is cheering for you!
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