Your favorite doctor may no longer be covered at your kupah, you may have moved, and a different kupah is right down the street. Your decision may be based on a kupah’s easier online access, or the complementary medicine services offered is more inclusive. As you age, your medical needs change, and perhaps your current plan is not providing what you now need. Whatever the reason is, you are lawfully able to change your kupat cholim whenever you want. According to Israeli law, kupot holim may not bar applicants on any grounds, including age and state of health.
Changing your kupat cholim may be done simply by going to the post office, paying a nominal fee, filling out the required form, and handing it in there. There is also an online option through the National Insurance Institute (Bituach Leumi) website. We will send all of your medical files from your current kupaht to your new kupah – but you need to request and verify this service!
Keep in mind you may only switch health plans twice within any 12 month period. There are quarterly enrollment periods throughout the year, but you will be covered by your present kupah until the transfer to the new kupah goes into effect.
If you find yourself unhappy with your current health plan, EMA Care is happy to help you change your kupat home. Excellent health care does exist! We are ready to work with you to make sure you are in the right kupah for your needs and location.
EMA Care provides medical concierge, case management, and patient advocacy services to tourists, students, and Israel residents. We can be contacted at Schedule your free consultation today.
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